Chapter Seventeen

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-time skip to tower bridge-
*narrator pov*
"Hand over the glasses Mysterio" Peter demanded.
"Come and get them" he smiled and his drones flew down the passageway.
Peter became surrounded by darkness, with a green smoke gathering around his feet.
He shut his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. He was ready.
He started to run down the passageway, sensing the drones with his Peter tingle as they came at him and fired at him.
He shot webs all over the place and the illusions started to break down.
But more drones kept coming, and it filled the holes in the projection.
Mysterio's laugh boomed in the void Peter was trapped in. "I told you Peter, you're not going to wi..." he started.
A shot fired.
The black void disappeared, and the drones fell to the floor.
Peter was standing in the middle of the bridge, and Mysterio was just metres away from him.
Beyond him, Peter saw a third person at the very end of the bridge.
"Hey dork" y/n started to walk towards Peter.
"Wait stop!" Peter yelled.
She stopped in her tracks. "Peter. It's me..."
"You're not real" he half laughed "this isn't real. You're dead."
Peter knew this couldn't be real, but his spider senses weren't going off, so it didn't make sense.
He lifted his arm up, so his web shooter was pointed at your face.
"Ok Peter wait..."
"No. No you're dead. This isn't real" Peter still did not shoot.
"Peter. Listen to me. I know this is confusing. But it's real. I'm here. It's me, Peter."
"No. You died."
"No, I didn't. I'm sorry, but I am here. I'm alive."
"Prove it!"
"Prove what?"
"That you're really the y/n I knew."
"T-tell me something only she knew. Something she only told me."
"I, uh. Oh I don't know! I had a boyfriend. Bucky. We broke up a lot. Is that proof enough?"
"No, no, I told Mysterio that."
"Ok, uh. Do you remember when we were six and we would always make those little dens and we would stay in them for hours, watching movies until we fell asleep. And when we were ten, we went to Liz's birthday party and you tried to punch Flash because he tried to kiss me, but you missed and hit the wall, so you broke your hand. Or when we literally got abducted by aliens which was like crazy and you told me..."
Y/n was talking extremely fast and was rambling on so much that she hadn't noticed Peter walk towards her. He hugged her tightly.
"I told you it would be ok" Peter smiled.
"Even though we both knew it wouldn't" you finished.
You hugged him back even tighter.
"I missed you, dork" you whispered into his ear.
"I missed you too" he whispered back.
"Ok can we get off this bridge now" you complained at him.
"As touching as that was, I'd say no. You're not getting off this bridge."
The pair looked at where Mysterio's body was, and it glitched away.
"Neither of you are going anywhere" his voice continued, but you couldn't find where it was coming from.
Peter grabbed your hand and held you close behind him.
You became surrounded by a black void again as the drones rose from the ground, but nothing else happened for a minute.
The only thing you and Peter could see was each other.
"Don't let go" he told you.
"I'll try" was your reply, as you tightened your grasp of his hand.
Peter looked around, trying to pay attention to where his Spider Sense was telling him danger was.
Y/n clutched her gun, ready to shoot.
Drones started to fire around them, and Peter shot at them with his webs while you shot them down with bullets.
When what seemed like most of them had gone again, Peter turned around and shot a web over y/n's shoulder. He pulled it back, bringing the Edith glasses off of Mysterio's face along with it.
He quickly put on the glasses.
"Edith! Stop all the drones! Kill them all!"
"Executing the drones now" Edith replied.
They all came crashing to the floor at once, including the ones outside the bridge that had been creating the elemental.
"No!" Mysterio yelled as he watched his creation fall.
"It's over Mysterio!" Peter exclaimed. "You screwed up, and now you are going to spend the rest of your life rotting in a cell."
Peter turned back to y /n to check she was ok.
"Shit y/n what happened."
"Oh nothing, a unicorn licked it" she cried sarcastically, holding her elbow "a drone obviously fucking shot it you idiot. Hey, get off I'm fine."
You slapped his hand away as he reached out to touch it.
"Ok come on we can get off this bridge now" Peter said as he turned towards the large hole in the side of the passageway. "Come on let's go."
You paused as you looked at Mysterio laying injured on the floor, breathing heavily.
You couldn't leave him like this, just holding on for dear life.
Peter noticed. "Y/n/n leave him. The police are on their way."
That wasn't good enough. You took one final shot through his head. You put him out of his misery.
"Y/n what the hell!" Peter ran over to you.
"Sorry. I was trained by a Black Widow and the Winter fricking Soldier. I don't tend to leave my enemies alive."
Peter look unimpressed as he walked away from you again.
"I'll leave a note?" you innocently suggested.
Peter rolled his eyes and shot a web to pull you over to where he was standing by the broken window.
"No? Ok."
You held onto him tightly as he swung you out the hole in the glass and through the city of London.

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