Chapter Fourteen

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Five years later...

*narrator pov*
"Everybody comes home" Bruce said as he put the glove on. He grunted as the power of the stones took over his body.
"Take it off! Take if off!" Thor yelled.
"No wait! Bruce are you ok?" Steve asked.
"Talk to me Banner" Stark said.
"I'm okay" Bruce panted "I'm okay."
"AAAAAAAARGH" Bruce yelled and snapped his fingers. He fell to the ground as the glove fell of his hand.
"Bruce!" Steve ran over to him.
Clint kicked the gauntlet away as Tony sprayed his arm with something.
The windows to the compound opened and Scott walked over. He saw birds in the tree, that weren't there before.
Someone's phone rang. It was Clint's. The name read 'Laura'.
He picked it up, "honey" he said into the phone.
"Guys" Scott said from by the window "I think it worked."
Bruce looked up from the ground and smiled. But he stopped immediately as he saw a large shadow in the sky. It fired, and something crashed through the roof above them.
It fired again, several times, blowing up the compound.
The avengers all struggled to escape from the concrete building parts they were trapped underneath.
They talked over the comms, and tried to find each other, tried to get out.
Iron Man, Thor and Captain America looked out at the ruined land.
Thor summoned Jonathon.
"Let's kill him properly this time."
They approached Thanos.
After a few moments of him monologing, they attacked.
Meanwhile, the rest of the others were still trying to escape the ruins of the compound.
Ant-man was trying to help war machine, rocket, and Hulk.
Clint was running from the rabid beasts that were chasing him. He fought them off, and Nebula found him. He gave her the gauntlet, as he tried to catch his breath.
She drew a gun on him.
Gamora and the other Nebula appeared, stopping her from shooting.
When persuading her to give it up didn't work, they shot her, and took the gauntlet back.
Thanos threw back Tony, then Steve.
Thor attacked him, but was thrown away too. Thanos grabbed his hammer and started pressing it down.
From behind, Cap picked up the original mjolnr and threw it at Thanos.
"I knew it" Thor remarked.
Thanos and Captain America fought.
After some time, Captain America lost the hammer, half his shield, and his balance as he was thrown across the ground.
Thanos began to monologue again, and his army appeared behind him, larger than ever before.
Cap stood back up, and tightened the strap on his shield.
He, one man, stood against the millions on the other side.
"Cap? Can you hear me?" A voice came over the comms. "Cap it's Sam. Can you hear me? On your left."
Steve turned to see a portal open. Out walked the Black Panther, with Shuri on one side and Okoye on the other.
Falcon followed, flying through the portal.
Hundreds of other portals opened, including one revealing Strange with the guardians of the galaxy.
And Peter.
Armies from all over walked out of different portals.
The others from the compound. They all emerged at the same time.
"AVENGERS" cap yelled. "Assemble."
The battle began.
It had been five years since Tony had seen Peter.
"Hey. Holy cow. You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out, because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? And he was like... it's been five years come on they need us. And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time... what are you doing?"
Tony cut him off and gave the kid a hug.
"Oh this is nice" Peter sighed, then he stepped back. "Have you seen y/n? She wasn't there when I woke up. She must've woken up too right?
"I havent. But don't worry, we'll find her. But right now, we need to deal with all this."
In the middle of the battle, Bucky found Steve. They smiled and hugged each other tightly.
"Good to see you, Buck."
"Good to see you too."
They patted each other on the back and parted.
"Did you find her?" Bucky asked.
"No. I'm sorry. But I'm sure she's fine now. Everyone is back."
"Rein fire" Thanos ordered.
Suddenly all missile hatches on the hovering space ship opened, and they all began to fire.
Strange and Wong formed shields over head, to protect from the shots.
Suddenly, an unfamiliar source of radiation was detected entering the atmosphere.
Luckily, it seemed to be on your side, as it shot through the ship, causing it to fall down.
Peter lay on the floor, hugging the gauntlet.
Danvers flew over to him.
"Hi. I'm Peter Parker."
"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?"
Peter grunted as he stood up, and he looked out at the army heading towards them.
"I don't know how you're going to get through all that" he admitted.
Just then, the best of the avengers - the females - jumped down behind Danvers.
"Don't worry" Wanda said.
"She's got help" Okoye assured.
The women ran off and began to attack the crowd.
"And I... am... Iron man!"
He snapped.
All of Thanos's army disappeared, all until Thanos himself.
The avengers ran over to where Tony was laying against a rock.
"Mr Stark... we won Mr Stark" Peter cried.
Pepper pulled him back and sat with Tony.
The avengers, and all the of the other in the armies, bent a knee down to the floor, out of respect.
They watched him, in silence, as he slowly passed away.
Dr Strange opened portals for everyone to return safely to their homes and families.
Only a few of the avengers were left at the ruins of the compound, still sitting with Tony's body.
"H-has anyone seen y/n?" Peter asked after a while.
"Y/n? Why would we have seen y/n?" Bucky answered.
"Because she was in space with us" Peter said, then realised by the expression on Bucky's face that he was not aware of that. Neither of the others knew either apparently.
"She was what?!" Steve exclaimed.
"What the hell was she doing in space?" Sam joined in.
"Thanos kind of kidnapped us" Peter told them sheepishly.
"How?!" Sam yelled.
"In the flying donut. That was in New York."
"Well Where is she now? What happened to her?" Bucky demanded to know.
Peter explained what happened. "And she died in my arms. Or I thought she did. But surely she would've woken up too? After the snap?"
"I don't know! You were the one with her!" Bucky yelled.
"I, I didn't see her. She wasn't there."
"Everyone came back in the exact same place they were five years ago" Strange stated.
"But, but she wasn't there. I- I checked."
"Then there is a chance, she didn't come back" Strange said it so calmly, Peter almost didn't process what he said.
"What?" Peter whispered.
"Yeah, WHAT?" Bucky repeated louder.
"Bucky..." Steve said cautiously. "Calm down..."
"CALM DOWN? Some wizard just told me that the love of my life is most likely dead! How am I meant to calm down?"
"The love of your life?" Peter questioned "I thought you broke up."
"On a technicality! I loved her! I love her!" Bucky's eyes became teary, matching Peter's.
"She loved you too" Peter told him. "She can't be gone" he said as he turned to Strange.
"I'm sorry kid. I think she is."
Peter fell to his knees, crying. He'd already lost you before, and now he was just being reminded he would never see you again. He was being forced to live without you, something he had always dreaded since the day he met you.
Bucky stormed off and Steve went after him, and Pepper kneeled down to comfort Peter.
She was gone.
The funeral...
Pepper walked down the steps of the Stark cabin, holding Morgan's hand. She walked over to the edge of the lake, where she joined Clint, Thor, Wanda and Quill.
She lay down a bouquet of flowers for Tony, with the arc reactor in the middle.
Clint put down some flowers for Nat, Thor put some down for Loki, Wanda put down some for Vision, and Quill lay some for Gamora.
Everyone joined in their grief as they watched the flowers float away on the lake.
Pretty much everyone was there, except the people there in spirit: the people being remembered.
The guests filled the space from the lake all the way back to the cabin.
And hands in their suit's pockets, someone was leaning against the side wall of the cabin. They were at the very back of the crowd.
You looked at your feet, then back up at the funeral.
You watched closely as each person placed something in memory of everyone that died.
You knew they thought you were dead too, and you watched as they forgot.
As the flowers floated away, you turned and left the funeral, without anyone noticing.

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