Chapter Twenty-Four

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*narrator pov*
You woke up to a gentle knock on the door.
Crap, you thought when you noticed the time. You had slept in again.
You looked at the door, and Bucky was leaning on the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.
"Good morning" he said.
"Where's Peter?" you groaned.
"He went home."
"What?" you sat up in bed and your head started pounding. "Why has he gone home? He didn't wait for me?"
"I told him to. I said I'd bring you home later."
"Go home Peter."
"What about y/n? She's still asleep."
"I want her to stay here for a while."
"No. That's not happening."
"I need time to fix things."
"No you just want her to stick around until you either break up with Sharon, or have the courage to tell her you're not going to."
"Just go home and I'll sort it out."
"Fine. But if she comes home crying or hurt, I'll-"
"You'll what. 'Kill me'? Be realistic."
"I'll tell Sam."
"I'll make sure she's okay before I bring her home."
"That bitch."
"Here. Put these on and come get lunch, or breakfast or whatever" he tossed you some of Sharon's clothes.
You held them up with a disgusted look on your face, and Bucky grinned as he walked away.
You reluctantly changed into the short skirt and T-shirt, and redid the plait Peter braided for you last night.
Then you picked up your phone and called him.
"Hey Pete" you said angrily.
"Hey y/n you okay?" he tried to sound innocent.
"Yeah, no. Because my best friend just abandoned me at my exes house" you hissed quietly into the phone.
"I'm sorry! He told me to!"
"That doesn't mean you listen! I have no car or money to get a cab. I am stuck here until he takes me home! God knows when that will be!"
He chuckled on the other end of the line.
"I'm going to kill you when I get back."
"That is if your 'evil ex' ever brings you back" Peter laughed.
"You're going to wish he doesn't!" You hung up the phone in frustration and stormed out the bedroom.
"James" you glared at him.
"Coco pops?" he gestured the box at you and opened them to pour into a bowl.
"I will do it!" you marched over and grabbed the box from him, spilling quite a lot.
You stamped them into the ground as you went to the couch to watch TV with your cereal.
"Still eating baby food?"
You threw a handful of coco pops at Sharon.
"You look like a slut in that skirt."
"It's yours."
"I don't mind it" a third voice said.
A man came to walk in front of you.
"Hey move you're blocking the TV!" you yelled, disregarding who it was.
When he did not move, you looked up at him and asked "who are you?"
He had not answered when you realised "oh shit Nemo!"
"Zemo actually..."
"What are you doing here?" you questioned him.
Bucky walked in from the kitchen "he's here to apologise, then leave."
"Apologise?!" you yelled at Bucky before Zemo could say anything "You were the one that punched him! Then you fucking kidnapped me!"
Bucky rolled his eyes at you "I did not kidnap you."
"Hm. Abduction of a child. Sounds like kidnapping to me!"
"If I may..." Zemo tried to interject.
"NO!" Bucky and you shouted in unison.
"It wouldn't have happened if you weren't stupidly drunk" Bucky continued.
"That's not your problem!"
"You think I want it to be! You think I want to be worrying about you 24/7? No!"
"Then don't!"
"No one else is gonna fucking do it are they?"
Bucky always knew that you felt like an outsider. Felt like no one else loved you. He knew, and he was rubbing it in your face now.
You turned away from him, refusing to let him see that he hurt you.
"I think I'm gonna go" Zemo said when you faced him.
No one else said anything so he walked out the door. He left it open.
You glared at Bucky then walked out after him.
"Gimme your number."
"What?" Zemo replied.
"I want your number. So I can call you."
"I don't think that's the best idea" Zemo said, cautiously looking back at the door.
"I want to go out again. Tonight, 7 o'clock, pick me up." You grabbed his phone, and he didn't protest as you put your number on it. You offered your phone to him, and he took it and typed in his number.
Bucky walked out as he handed it back to you.
"What are you doing?"
You smirked at him, so he walked over and grabbed your phone off you.
He snapped it in half.
"Ha!" Sharon laughed from the doorway.
You picked up one of the broken halves of your phone and threw it at her. It cut her arm.
"You little bitch!" She screamed at you.
Bucky walked back in the apartment to help her bandage the wound.
"God I hate her. And him."
"Me too. Can I ask you a question?"
"Go ahead."
"Are you just going out with me to spite him?"
"Kind of. Is that a problem?"
"No. I meant what I said last night. You're beautiful. So I'm just glad it's me you're going out with."
Zemo paused for a minute.
"I guess I won't be expecting your call" he smiled.
You looked at the other half of your broken phone.
"7 o'clock. Sharp. I'll be waiting" you said as you picked it up and walked back into the apartment.
"Can't wait" he called after you.
You closed the door behind you and saw Bucky handing Sharon a beer.
"Can't wait for what?" Bucky asked.
"None of your business." You returned to the couch to watch cartoons.
"You're never seeing him again y/n."
"That's not up to you. You don't get to decide who I can and can't see" you raised your voice.
"Yes I do when the guy is a jerk."
You rolled your eyes "gimme your phone."
"Yes you broke mine. And until you buy me a new one, I can do whatever I want on yours."
"What do you want to do?"
"Call Peter."
Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. You got up to go get it, but he held it away from you.
He pressed some buttons and it started ringing.
"You have his number?" you asked.
He nodded.
Peter answered.
"Hey kid."
You couldn't hear the reply on the other end.
"Yeah she wanted to call you" he looked at you "what do you want me to say?"
"Give me the phone."
You punched him in the stomach and he bent over enough for you to reach the phone.
You ran off into the bathroom with it and locked the door.
"Hi Peter. Yeah I'm okay."
"Why are you calling me on Bucky's phone?"
"Cause he fucking broke mine. He is literally holding me hostage. I swear I could call the police."
Peter laughed at you.
"It's not funny! What if I need to call someone?"
"Ask to borrow his phone then."
"Pfft. I had to tackle it off him to get it now, he's not letting me use it again."
"Okay, prisoner. I guess I won't be hearing from you for a while."
"No I guess not. Hey put May on the phone."
There was some rustling on the other end of the call.
"Y/n" you heard May's voice.
"May! May please come get me I've been kidnapped. He broke my phone!"
You heard May's laughter.
"Peter told me you're at Bucky's" she laughed.
"Seriously?! It's not funny. I'm literally a hostage. Please come and get me."
"I think it will be good for you two to spend some time together. He probably really missed you."
"I doubt it. You know he has a girlfriend right?"
"Is she nice?"
"Ok. Well I'm still not coming to get you, so you might want to warm up to her."
"Please" you begged into the phone.
"You're staying there until you figure it out. I'm sorry but it needs to be done. I love you."
"I love you too" you said grumpily as May hung up the phone.
"Ok you're done! Get out the bathroom" Bucky said from the other side of the door.
"Were you listening? That was a private conversation!"
"Open the door now."
"No I don't think I will."
You hurriedly started scrolling through Bucky's contacts.
You pressed his name and the phone started ringing.
"Pick up pick up pick up" you urged as Bucky was fumbling with the door handle outside.
Sam was sitting down with his sister and her kids, and they were all having lunch together.
His phone started ringing from his pocket.
"No phones at the table" Sarah said.
Sam checked the name on his phone.
"It's Bucky" he glanced at Sarah "I promise I'll be quick?"
"Fine. You have 1 minute."
Sam walked into the next room and picked up the phone.
"Bucky this better be good, my sister is not happy."
"Sam? Sam help me!"
"Y/n? What's going on?"
"Help! Please come quick! Bucky's- NO AAAAH."
Sam heard a scream and the call ended.
He walked back into the dining room.
"I'm sorry Sarah. I need to go."
"Fine" she groaned "is everything okay?"
"I don't know. I think someone's in trouble" Sam replied as he sped walked out the house.
He got in his car and drove to Bucky's.
He ran up the stairs and banged on his front door.
"Bucky? Are you in there?"
The door opened and Sam ran in. He scanned the room quickly, looking for you.
He stopped worrying when he saw you hunched up in a chair, looking very grumpy. There was a large bruise growing on your forehead.
"You called Sam? Seriously?" Bucky rolled his eyes and went back to sit on the couch.
"Wait what's going on?" Sam inquired, confused.
"Nothing happened" Bucky responded.
"She called me, screaming on the phone, and she has a bruise on her head. That's not nothing."
"She's fine."
Sam looked at you, and you looked away. You looked extremely pissed off.
"Y/n. Did he hit you?" Sam asked.
"No" Sharon laughed "she slipped and fell on the toilet."
"Shut the fuck up you little bitch!" you shrieked angrily, but Sam could see you were embarrassed.
"Okay. Well my sisters going to kill me because I ditched a family meal for nothing."
Sam turned back to the door.
"Sam wait!" you jumped up and grabbed his arm "take me with you. Please I don't wanna stay here! He's holding me hostage! Please you have to take me with you!"
"He's not holding you hostage?"
"Yes he is! He sent Peter home without me and broke my phone! I have no money to get anywhere myself!"
"I'm not getting myself involved in this. You're going to have to solve your own problems" Sam shook you off his arm and walked out the door. "Oh and Bucky, your ex girlfriend and current one in the same house, what are you thinking?" He closed the door behind him.
"EX- WHAT?" Sharon screamed.
Sam heard her and ran off down the stairs when he realised what he'd done.
Back in the apartment, Sharon's face turned a bright shade of red.
"She was your girlfriend?!"
"You didn't know?" you smirked teasingly.
"How long were you together?"
"Barely" Bucky lied.
"Over a year" you unhelpfully corrected.
Bucky glared at you "on and off" he said to Sharon.
"You were together for a year? And you didn't think to mention her?!"
"It didn't matter. It doesn't matter!"
"Excuse me? I don't matter?" you chimed in.
"Go to your room" Bucky yelled.
"MY room? I knew it. You're not letting me go!"
"Go!" He yelled and you stormed off.
You saw the clock on the wall and noticed the time.
You snuck back out of your room, and hoped Bucky and Sharon wouldn't see you sneak into their room.
They didn't. They were still yelling.
"We've been together nearly nine months! How could this have never been brought up?" Sharon's argued.
"It wasn't important. You were the only thing important to me!"
"Are! You know that!"
"I don't know that. Because ever since two days ago, she's been the only thing you can think about!"
"That's not true!"
"I don't believe you. You have run after her every time she left the apartment. You have walked in carrying her twice in the last 48 hours. It's a miracle you haven't kissed her."
Bucky didn't reply.
"That better be true!"
"I'm just looking out for her. Is it so wrong that I want to protect her?"
"Yes. What about me?"
"You're older. If you can't protect yourself that's on you."
"Wow thanks. You're such a caring boyfriend."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"How did you mean it then?"
Bucky grabbed Sharon and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back, but her mood was unaffected when he stopped.
"You kiss her like that too? To shut her up?"
"Ugh for fucks sake Sharon. Nothing ever pleases you."
"Were you together before the blip?" She asked.
"No. We were broken up then. I thought she died when I couldn't find her after five years. I thought she was dead until two days ago."
The floorboards creaked by the door and Bucky looked at you.
"What are you doing?"
You froze with your hand on the door handle, carrying a pair of heels in the other.
"Is that my dress?" Sharon exclaimed.
You opened your mouth to say something, but said nothing as you swung the door open and ran out and down the stairs.
"You're going to go after her again aren't you?" Sharon sighed.
"We're going to talk about this later" Bucky promised.
"Looking forward to it" Sharon sighed sarcastically.
Bucky kissed her again before running through the door.
Zemo pulled up across the street from Bucky's apartment building.
He waited a minute then the doors to the building flew open and y/n ran out them barefoot.
You jumped in the car.
"Drive!" You yelled while looking back at the door.
They flew open again and Bucky ran out. The car started driving.
Bucky launched himself at the car, but fell over as it drove away from him.
You watched as he stood up, and you stuck your middle finger up at him.
You turned back in your chair, and started putting the heels on.
"Wow Sharon has big feet" you said as you fastened them.
Zemo laughed and drove you away from Bucky.

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