63: Hellevator

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"Change of plans, you guys will be going after a sample of a new narcotic Tenex is developing instead."

"What? But we already have a plan!" Minho exclaimed. Lex, who had been standing beside him was just as stunned as he was. And neither was very happy.

Gathered in the meeting room was Lex, Minho, Sana and Lisa. Less than 4 four days before their mission, news of a plan change was dropped on them. As if the rivalry between Sana and Lisa wasn't enough tension. The two remained civil but wouldn't pass up the opportunity to snark at one another, even glaring at each other. 

Mark shrugged sympathetically. "I know, I'm sorry. JYP's orders. Turns out they have what we've been looking for. It's called Typex."

"This changes everything! How do you expect us to do it in the same amount of time?" Lisa scowled, tapping her foot impatiently. Even Sana agreed with her for once. It was absurd.

"Just get it done," Mark stated firmly. Were they expected to just improvise?

None of them were pleased. There were a few questions here and there. The whole objective change threw them off course. Maybe it was a test of their strength. Even if Sana and Lisa were previously members. It wasn't a coincidence the younger members were grouped. 

Lex had met some of the older members. It humbled her when she came face to face with the older women. Lex's abilities were no joke, but up against experienced criminals, she would need more than just luck on her side. She had much to learn. And she wasn't objecting to it.

Lex and Lisa were to escape on their motorbikes. Ever since Lex learned of Lisa's interest in motorbikes, they had become better friends. Lisa had cheekily invited her for a joyride once but Lex had the feeling she was implying more than just ride.

Sana hid her disgust with Lisa well enough to not affect her own friendship with Lex. Despite being Chan's ex, she was starting to Lex. She wasn't lying when she said it didn't bother her. Years passing was enough for her to mature. But not enough to get over her rivalry with Lisa. When Mark dismissed them, the four of them lounged in one of the rooms, expressing their annoyance with what was expected of them. 

"This is bullshit!" Lisa threw her hands as she slumped on an armchair. Minho landed on a bean bag with a frown on his face. He practically sunk into it. 

Sana sighed, face planting into the couch. "We'll just have to deal with it."

Lex sat beside her and threw her legs over her lap. She realised they were sounding like children, and maybe that's what JYP thought of them. Well, then they'd just have to prove themselves. Lisa and Sana weren't to be underestimated. And in their united anger against JYP, they could actually speak to one another without being snide. While confessing their thoughts, Lex let Minho in on the supply room stash Sana had introduced her to on her first day.

"You didn't tell me?!" Minho hissed, pinching Lex on the shoulder. "Jisung and I have been buying that shit when we could've gotten it for free."

"Ow! How often do you use it anyway?"

"None of your business!"

"So you and Jisung are together? I always thought that would happen." Sana admitted, smiling slightly. Anyone could see it if they spent a day with those two. It just took longer for them to see it themselves.

Minho's cheeks flushed. "Yeah, we're together now."

"Aww, guys are cute together." Lisa cooed, propping her head on her hand. "A shame though, Jisung is handsome."

"Stop flirting with taken people," Sana snapped, rolling her eyes. 

Lex averted her gaze to her lap and covered her mouth with her hand. She let it slip to Sana that Lisa had hit on her, but she didn't think she would use it against Lisa. Minho sunk further into his beanbag to avoid the confrontation, choosing to ignore the compliment towards his boyfriend. He didn't want to be part of an argument that wasn't even involving him.

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