29: Night Changes

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"Minho, will you stop glaring at her?" Lex whispered hastily into Minho's ear, playing it off by pretending to look in the direction of the kitchens where their meals were being prepared.

"I'm not glaring at her." Minho scoffed as he diverted his glare to Lex.

"Pfft, bullshit," Lex remarked, rolling her eyes. Minho had the biggest resting bitch face out of everyone. And right now? It wanted blood. But Lex wasn't having it.

Who was Minho glaring at? The pretty waitress who was casually flirting with Jisung much to Minho's dismay. Lex, Minho, Jisung and Seungmin were at a Japanese restaurant for lunch, which had been going fine on the way there until Minho became sulky.

Minho and Jisung had invited Lex out for lunch with them days after she was done bringing her things over. But she felt like she would be imposing on their date as a third-wheel. Until Minho suggested they bring a 4th. Their 4th was decided by asking whoever was the first to touch the soda. Which was Seungmin. He was surprised they asked but quickly accepted. The others requested they bring back food.

"Knock it off!" Lex hissed, nudging Minho in the shoulder. "I mean can you blame her? It's not her fault he's cute."

Thankfully Jisung was too wrapped up in a conversation with Seungmin to notice, in the midst of a riveting story. It was the perfect distraction.

Minho whipped around to her, meeting her gaze with a frown. "Okay, well you're right but-"

"If you're so mad then hold his hand. I'm sure it'd send the message."

"But what if he likes the flirting?" Minho whispered, suddenly feeling insecure. Lex wanted to glare at him. But she had a better idea. Nothing like schoolyard crushes.

"Oh really?" Lex raised her eyebrows. She turned to Jisung casually. "Hey Han?"

Jisung finished what he was saying before nodding to Lex. "Yeah?"

"What do you think of that cute waitress chatting you up?" She just knew Minho wanted to kick her for her bluntness. But it didn't mean anything coming from her. He should consider it a favour.

"What, her?" He pointed at the waitress. "I mean, yeah she's pretty I suppose but I'm not interested."

"Aww what a shame, she is really pretty."

"Then you go ask her out." Jisung teased, laughing at himself. Seungmin snickered.

"Shut up!" Lex kicked Jisung from under the table. He raised his eyebrows, challenging her. Since she was not looking forward to getting kicked out of this nice restaurant, she backed off. Jisung rolled his eyes, smiled at Minho, then returned to his conversation with Seungmin.

"So what's the plan, Min?" Lex whispered when they weren't listening. She was being pushy, and she knew it. But she thought he was brooding over something he could change. Every member she spoke to was anticipating the moment they'd get together.

"Easier said than done." Minho scoffed. As soon as the waitress started paying more attention to Jisung, anger crossed him. Yes, he was jealous. He wasn't admitting it to Lex but he knew that she knew.

"Okay maybe, but... what if you just brush his hand with yours and see how he reacts," Lex suggested. She didn't know why she was playing matchmaker. Maybe it was because it was so glaringly obvious Minho had feelings for Jisung.

Minho didn't respond, twirling the straw in his cup as he thought about it. Lex could tell he was considering it. It's not like they hadn't done it before.

"Whether you do it or not, stop glaring at her. She's not at fault because she doesn't know that he's... involved with someone."

"Okay okay, you're right." Minho shrugged it off by taking long sips of his tea, which quickly became only ice. After waving down the waitress for a refill, Minho hesitated as she went to grab another jug. His hand twitched on the table in front of where Jisung rested it.

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