62: Rock It

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It came as no surprise that Lex and Chan weren't going to use the bunk beds properly. They crammed together onto the bottom bunk single mattress, just like they had at their hideout months earlier. Chan liked being sandwiched against the wall apparently.

Lex laid on her back with Chan snuggling into her side. For hours she had been thinking about what she wanted to get tattooed on her. For once, she wasn't thinking about her own problems. A tattoo could mark a new era in her life. She could regret it later.

"Are you not asleep yet?" Chan murmured drowsily. And for once, Chan was getting rest. He felt at ease immediately being down in the bunkers. The paranoia that had built up was slowly dissipating. Never would he doubt the capabilities of his members, but they couldn't win every fight.

"Well no, neither are you apparently." Lex placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it with her thumb.

"I was waiting for your heartbeat to slow down."

"What?" Her brows furrowed. Was he sleep talking?

"I wanted you to sleep first." That way, he could protect her while she fell asleep. But she was up for hours past midnight, so he had been in and out of sleep. Not that he was complaining when his cheek was nestled against her chest.

"Oh... Well, that isn't going to happen for a while."

"What are you thinking about?"

"What tattoo I might get."

"Anything would look good on you. You'd look badass." Chan rubbed her forearm, away from the gash she got from a blade. The wound had scabbed over but it would take a long time before it healed fully.

"I know that, but like a snake would look more badass than a panda, you know?"

"Right right. I'll get back to you on that." He kissed her chin before snuggling back into her chest.

Lex yawned and leaned her cheek against the top of his head. Chan's determination to grow his hair out in the summer heat was admirable. Despite hair brushing the back of his neck, he insisted it looked good on him. She wasn't arguing. The man was handsome all the time.

Then her mind drifted to heavier things, things she had been meaning to ask Chan. The changes in her life and the consequences were not tone ignored.



"If we were ever caught, because of what we do... What would we do?" She asked softly.

It was hard to think about, but could they really dedicate their life to crime for the rest of their lives? She had been stealing things long before she joined the gang, but she never hurt anybody unless she needed to. Well that was a lie, but she wasn't part of a group before.

No one was invincible. People died, people were caught, people were jailed. Even older and more experienced people. It was obvious that she took Chan by surprise, but he was prepared. They had been for years.

Chan's eyes opened fully and he tilted his head up to look at her. "We'd run away to New Zealand, maybe to a nice farm."

It had always been their plan to start a new life in New Zealand, a place they could really settle down. If they worked hard now, maybe one day they could settle down in a brighter place, together. Whether they went their separate ways, they'd always be there for each other.

"Really?" She laughed quietly, moving her hand to his long hair. "Can I come?"

He frowned at her. "Of course you are. Can't get rid of me that easily."

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