48: Sorry, I Love You

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"That's you," Minho snickered, pointing to the quokka that popped up in the video. The tiny creature nibbled at the strawberry in its hands.

"Yeah, well that's you!" Jisung retorted when a hippo appeared on the screen. He may have deserved the mouthful pillow that was smacked into his face repeatedly.

"Rude. I was being nice."

"For once."

Minho rolled his eyes. "Oh, bite me."

"You know I will."

"Shut up."

Minho curled into Jisung's side, his legs thrown over his lap. Scrolling through TikToks was an activity they did frequently at night. Everyone at HQ did even if they refused to admit it. Now that they were home, they happily jumped onto their beds that they pushed together. They scrolled over an advertisement for a new movie out.

"I've been wanting to go to the cinemas again. Don't know what to watch but that's part of the fun," Minho said, patting Jisung's stomach. It was one of the few times he was the little spoon.

Jisung nodded. "I'll come."

"I wanna go alone though."

"But I wanna come."

Minho scrunched up his nose at his boyfriend. "What part of alone do you not understand?"

"But I'm cute." Jisung puckered his lips. he would let him go by himself if he really wanted to but he enjoyed nothing more than bothering Minho.

Minho sighed loudly then headbutted Jisung's cheek. "You're annoying. Fine, you can come."

"Can we invite Lex?"

"Oh my god, fine."

Somehow they ended up making out, the phone temporarily abandoned. They had been especially clingy since returning to HQ. Maybe it was the feeling of home that had them being extra affectionate. Though they ended up having an argument on the caravan, they resolved it once they entered their room.

After an hour or so, Minho left to invite Lex on their now planned movie date. He hadn't seen her all night as he had been caught up with Jisung so he was excited to talk to her. He opened her room door without knocking.

"Hey bestie, wanna come with us to-" He paused when he noticed her room was empty. Ugh, she's probably somewhere around the house*. He made a quick tour through the house, shouting her name. When it became obvious she wasn't anywhere, he gave up. Maybe she had left. He asked the members that were on ground level but none of them knew.

The obvious person to ask was Chan. Minho had tried knocking on his office door but Chan said he was busy. That was weird. He thought Chan might know. And why did their leader's voice sound choked? It wasn't a big deal, but he decided to let time pass before messaging her. He didn't want to come across as needy and knew she would look for him if she wanted him.


Pain. Chan couldn't remember the last time he felt heartbreak like this. It might've been never before. He had been through so much, experienced such hardships. And this was what was causing him stress? He wasn't sure whether the guilt or the thought of losing her was eating at him more.

He couldn't bear to tell anyone about what he had done. If he thought he was going to feel better after, he was dead wrong. This was worse than he had felt before. No matter how much he kept telling himself it was the right decision, it felt like a big mistake. There was nothing more he wanted right now than to be with her.

The only times he would leave his room was when everyone was asleep. He was sure no one knew because he hadn't been confronted yet. There was no telling how long that would last. Tears were shed, hair was pulled at, and sleepless nights were haunted by her last words to him.

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