"Yes. Sorry about your head injury, Nise-san." Izuku spoke. He secretly noted how his surname is rather odd but didn't ask. It felt rude and he has no right to pry as his surname is a nod to the color of his hair.

<Nah, don't worry about it too much.> Daigo waved off. <Hero work has a lot of risk to it. Anyway, I know you want to look at this tablet here.>

The tablet came into view and the young man saw a different statement on it. The previous two sentences had disappeared and another sentence took their place.

"March onward towards the chamber of angels and you shall find what you seek." Izuku read out loud. Huh, well that seems helpful. March onward towards the chamber of angels? It's highly unlikely it's referring to the previous chambers since the previous one is now overflowing with that black sludge. However, it did kept him hopeful as whatever lies in this 'chamber' it spoke off is something they seek. Perhaps it is the exit to get out of this place.

<Any ideas, oh fearless leader? > A certain A-ranker snarked. Izuku settled back and hummed in thought. What would be the right course of action here?

"I-I guess you guys must move forward. Seems to be the only option." He answered, clenching and unclenching his hands repeatedly.

<Well, you heard the useless help. I'll scout ahead to see if there's any potential enemy. Follow me once you're done. I'll leave a mark behind for you guys to know where I went.> The man turned and marched forward. Izuku watched the man's retreating before focusing on Intelli's mind.

"Intelli-san, I-"

<If you apologized for another time, I'm gonna stop being your friends.>

"What? No, I just want to ask how is Daigo doing." 

<Oh, my...apology for overreacting. I'm not a certified doctor in medical field but I believed he should be in fine condition.>

"I also wanted to apologize." Izuku added, cracking up a smile. The woman paused before sighing. "N-no offense intended."

<Hilarious. I am simply fighting the urge to laugh. Knowing you, I believed you are being genuine and an apology is simply not offensive.> Despite the monotonous tone, he can tell she's cracking a smile. 

< But in all honesty, this has nothing to do with you. We've made our choices and you made yours. How many times do you wish for me to say this?> Her words carried more emotion than usual. Often she talked in a level-headed tone and rarely let her emotions control her. To hear her acting cranky is a surprise on their own. And it's all because of him.

"But I told Ken to pick up the tablet."

<And if it were not for you, we would still be in that place. We've made progress and while the loss of life is unwanted, it is of their own doing. They entered this dungeon believing it is easier with the aid of two powerful Heroes. They unanimously decided on that decision through a vote that suffered no sabotage and still chose to come.> Saiko answered heatedly before sighing. It is rather tiring listening to this boy constantly apologizing for almost anything that went wrong. The young woman had an inkling of what plagues her friend but finds the subject to be a very sensitive matter.

"O-okay," Izuku answered. Saiko huffed in satisfaction and went back to checking on Daigo.

<I can only suggest you don't work yourself too hard. Regrow spell only regrew the loss of cells and doesn't heal blunt or penetrating trauma. You may still feel a headache occasionally.>

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now