But until that Nova would learn to perfect her magical skills.

And she did. For the past hour and a half she had been practicing all sorts of different things. The basics-- as her mom would call it. They were simple ones that were easier to perfect.

"You know you're getting really good at that."

A voice broke Nova from her concentration on the objects she had floating around the room, thankfully it was small objects. "Thanks."  Nova turned to her mom. "I noticed the more emotional I am, the more things get intense." She said,

"It makes you stronger." Her mother commented as she took a seat next to her sighted who was on the floor by the couch. "Have you been studying and practicing?" Her mother questioned earning a nod in response, "Let's see..."

The younger of the two watched as her mom grabbed the roses that sat in the vase on the coffee table, "Roses? What are you doing with roses?"

"Burn them."

Nova looked at her mom confused at her request, "What?" Her eyes blinked a few times.
"Burn them." Her mom repeated.

Nova turned to the small bouquet that was set in front of her, Holding her hand up towards flowers she focused on the object at hand.


The roses immediately began to burn out, Nova was able to hold it to where the shape wasn't completely gone.

"Now bring them back to their original form." Her mother instructed her and once again Nova held her hand out and focused on the plants before her.

Bela la vie a cette fleur.

Nova smiled as they went back to their original form. She turned to her mom who had a proud smile on her face seeing how much her daughter had gotten better.

"Put them back. Without touching them."

Motus, She said in her mind. Nova focused her mind on the moving flowers that were being put back in their vase.

Nova and her mom went on to practice many more. For that short amount of time that she was doing so, Nova had actually felt like things were at ease. Her mind was not on anything but her magic.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾* 。˚ 。 • ˚

As Nova and her mom had finished their day of bonding through magic. Nova had actually gotten a call from Stiles during school hours informing her that he had made first line –on a technicality– but he still made it. Nova cheered over the phone for her friend, she was really happy for him. Though she was confused about the whole Biles Bilinksi persona. But it was Stiles so she didn't question it.

After their call Nova had taken a nap but was woken up from a call. Again from Stiles. Except this time he sounded fidgety. After finishing out it had to do with Scott and the full moon Nova grew worried for both her friends especially Stiles. And even though Stiles had fought hard on her going to help him Nova didn't listen and began to make her way to the McCall residence.

"Why? Why don't you listen to me?" Stiles questioned as the front door opened revealing Nova.

She walked right in, putting a reassuring hand on Stiles' arm, "I wasn't going to leave you alone."

"I would have been fine."

She could see the sort of sadness on his face, he looked exhausted. "You say that but I can see through you." Nova pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks." Stiles sighed as he hugged the girl back.

"How is he?" She asked as she pulled away from him.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐝 [𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now