lxxxviii. 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚎

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PERHAPS EVELYN Barnes was many things in life, such as kind, caring, intelligent, witty... but there was always someone behind her who shaped her into the woman she turned out to be. Evelyn was able to find a second chance in many aspects of her life. She grew up, matured, in many different worlds. She became a better person because of those she surrounded herself with. In her mind, she had three different lives. Before the war, after defrosting, and after Thanos. In each life, Evelyn made decisions that would shape her future. She did not regret a single decision.

In each life, she had a Stark by her side.

In each life, she had Steve by her side.

In each life, she had James Buchanan Barnes.

After going back in time, Evelyn decided to focus on beginning their family. It started with a cat, which Bucky named Alpine. She was a beautiful white cat that helped Bucky trust his instinct to be a parent. They did not even know if the pair could have children... but they were thoroughly surprised.

Evelyn had two miscarriages before finally carrying a baby for the full term. There were so many complications when the baby was born, but the small boy was born. He was already the angel in their lives.

Not only did they start their own family, but Bucky was also able to reconnect with Winnifred, George, and Rebecca. They were all sworn to secrecy since the world believed the three time-travelers were dead. It was like all the dreams Evelyn had growing up with the family she had always envisioned.

Evelyn met Maria Stark. She met Anthony Edward Stark. She met Peggy and Steve's children. She lived a full life. She was happy, and they were all finally at peace.

Now, she sat with her arm wrapped around Bucky and Steve's. They were staring off the cliff as they sat on the park bench. Behind them, they could hear commotion from the Avengers as they sent two people back in time. They could hear the sadness in the tones of those left behind.

Steve squeezed Evelyn's frail arm once before standing up in order to catch their attention.

"Tony... is that--" Natasha began.

Bucky cleared his throat, standing as well before helping Evelyn stand. She was shaky on her legs, but she knew she had her two men to help her if she needed it. Smiling, Bucky said, "Hello, Natalia."

Sam walked forward, shaking hands with Steve. He noticed the ring on Steve's finger. He smirked. "You going to tell me about her?"

"No, I don't think I will."

They all laughed. Small chatter was told between the group, mostly about the life the three supersoldiers finally got to live. It was as if no time passed at all for the Avengers, but the supersoldiers were staring at their past as they became too old for the world. They were proud of what they accomplished in their lives, no matter how many they had. They were happy they stayed together through it all.

Tony walked forward, taking Evelyn out of Bucky's grasp. He held her as tightly as he could without hurting her frail body. "How was it? Did you live?"

"Every minute," Evelyn whispered back.

When the night began to break through, the three supersoldiers watched the sunset alone. The Avengers had gone back to their lives just as they would theirs. Evelyn leaned on Steve's arm as she held Bucky's hand.

"It really was a marvelous life, wasn't it?" she whispered to her men.

"Of course," Steve said back. "We stayed together through it all."

Bucky kissed Evelyn's head. "'Till the end of the line, right?"

"The end of the line," Steve repeated as they took a seat on the bench again.


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