lxvi. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚗𝚊𝚙

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BEING HELD by Natasha, Evelyn spotted Okoye still cradling her arm where she landed on it harshly. Evelyn pushed out of the Black Widow's grasp as she leaned down to help Okoye stand. Okoye held on tightly to her as she regained her balance. Suddenly, the air seemed to shift... eerily and calm. Evelyn's breaths were coming out in short pants as she was still catching her breath, but all three women began to walk toward Steve in the distance.

Evelyn could feel it in her bones that Thanos was there. The name itself sent a horrible feeling down her spine, and this right there was the feeling. She held Okoye tighter as they walked.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming," Steve told them. Evelyn noticed Bucky gripping his gun tightly, eyes flickering between Steve and Evelyn as if it was the last time he would ever look at them. Natasha, Okoye, Sam, and T'Challa flanked Steve as Evelyn stood between Steve and Bucky.

"What the hell?" Natasha murmured in confusion as they stared at the thing appearing in front of them.

Bruce's eyebrows furrowed like the rest of them as blue and grey smoke began to take shape of someone. "Cap. That's him," Bruce told them.

Steve glanced at Evelyn and Bucky before nodding. "Eyes up. Stay sharp." He took off running.

Everyone followed as Thanos materialized completely. Bruce had reached him first, lunging forward to attack. Thanos used the Space Stone on him, shoving him inside of nearby rocks with no easy way to escape.

Steve made it to him next, but a purple energy from the Power Stone sent him flying before he even made a move. T'Challa was not any different as Thanos caught the King by his neck. Thanos squeezed until finally, he threw him to the ground and used one of the stones on him to keep him there.

Sam swooped in next, guns blazing. He was sent to the ground when Thanos used the Reality Stone to make his wings rubber and unable to fly anymore.

Evelyn noticed Wanda begin to destroy the stone in Vision's head as Rhodey fired his guns at Thanos. Thanos wasted no time in using the power of the Gauntlet to crush Rhodey's armor to his body—making it impossible to move and hardly any room to breathe.

Bucky glanced at Evelyn before he took off. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she followed him. Bucky had his gun firing as he charged at the purple Titan, but Thanos flicked him away as if he was a fly. Evelyn did not pause her stride, jumping and using whatever weapon she had on her to attack. Evelyn felt her life flash before her eyes as she made it to him. Thanos grabbed her by her neck in a similar manner to T'Challa as he squeezed once more. Evelyn's poor neck and lungs had been through enough.

Okoye sent her spear as a distraction. When Thanos flicked the spear away, he threw Evelyn across the clearing as if she was nothing. Rolling in her landing, her eyes rolled back as she tried to focus on her breathing. She felt someone land next to her, talking, but it was muffled.

When her eyes opened, she saw Okoye being thrown aside as Natasha was encaged in rocks. Groot's branches were broken when Thanos used his Gauntlet

Evelyn's eyes went to Bucky, who sat next to her with worry on his face. She reached her hand out for his, taking it and trying to sit up. They could not give up. Bucky urged her to stay down, but Evelyn brought his knuckles up to her lips before letting him go. She took off running, a slight limp to her step as she saw Steve grab the Gauntlet. Evelyn made it to them, wrapping her nunchucks around his other hand to keep it away. Steve screams as he almost gets the Gauntlet off, but he faltered when Thanos punched Evelyn right in her head—her body falling still on the ground. Thanos used that as a distraction, doing the same to Steve.

Bucky made himself stand as Thanos walked toward Wanda after the witch had blown the stone to pieces, taking Vision with it. Evelyn's eyes were shut, which made Bucky stumble over to her faster.

"Lyn?" he asked softly as he fell. He glanced at Steve as the supersoldier began to struggle to sit up. Behind them, Thanos used the Time Stone to revive Vision again.

"NO!" Wanda screamed as she lunged for Thanos when he grabbed Vision. Thanos flicked her away as well.

Bucky saw Evelyn's eyes opening slowly. He reached down, helping her sit up. Her eyes widened as Thanos took the stone from Vision's head. "S-Steve, we have to—" she started but Steve could hardly stand.

"It's over," Bucky murmured as Thanos put the stone into the Gauntlet. They watched Thanos twitch at the energy surge through his body. He yells in pain as it was too much.

Before Thanos could do anything, lightning struck him to the ground—throwing him back. Thor arrived now, eyes blazing in anger and power. He raised his ax before throwing it straight into Thanos's chest.

Thor landed in front of him, grabbing the handle and Thanos's neck to force it deeper. "I told you. You'd die for that!"

Thanos cried out in pain, but he still tried to talk. His voice came out weak as he started, "You should have... you..." Evelyn furrowed her brows as Thanos sounded much stronger all of a sudden. "You should have gone for the head!"

Thanos rose his Gauntlet-clad hand, snapping his fingers.


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