xlviii. 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝

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A GRENADE came flying through the window right where Evelyn was standing. Bucky grabbed her waist to move her and kicked it to Steve. Steve quickly placed his shield on top of it, concealing the blast. Bucky dropped Evelyn as she shot blindly out the window, grinning when she heard groaned from guards.

People were ramming against the door as more gunshots came through the window. Evelyn ducked behind the mattress Bucky held up for the pair. She quickly turned, using her enhanced strength to knock the coffee table to barricade the front door. Cops began to swing inside on cables, but Steve pulled the rug to send him flying. Another policeman tried to hurt Bucky, but Evelyn jumped midair, landing on his neck as she chocked the man to unconsciousness.

"Nimeni nu-l doare," she sneered with such malice as Steve stared at her with wide eyes at the ferocity behind her words.

(No one hurts him.)

Bucky managed to throw another guard unconscious as he made it to where their getaway bag was hidden. Evelyn shot another guard just as Steve grabbed Bucky's shoulder.

"Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone," he said as his worried eyes flickered to the malice in Evelyn's eyes.

Bucky quickly had Steve on the ground with a loud slam as he shoved his metal hand through the floorboard next to him. "We're not gonna kill anyone," Bucky sneered with a throaty voice.

Getting the backpack out of the floor, he quickly threw it through the window. Evelyn ducked just as more shots were heard, and she was glad Steve had jumped up to protect the trio from shots with his shield.

Bucky shoved Steve into another cop as he made sure he and Evelyn got out of the apartment. Keeping a firm grip on Evelyn, he used his metal arm to knock a few bullets back just as his slammed the cop into the nearest wall. Evelyn got out of his grasp just as she made it to another cop. She fought him, sending him into the next apartment over with one kick. She sniffed as she ducked when she saw Bucky grab a large piece of cement to hurt the cop next to her.

Using their battering ram, Bucky took out a few more guards as Evelyn ran down a flight of stairs to get to their jump point. She saw a man zip lining, so she jumped onto him, using him to get her down another level. Knocking him out, she waited for Bucky to join her even though he always told her to leave him and he would meet her at the jet. She just did not trust it would work out this time. Bucky took a leaf from her book as he used another cop to get down to her level. He gave her a knowing look, willing her to leave.

Steve jumped down to their floor, helping them take out the cops. Bucky tossed one over the railing, but Steve grabbed him with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Come on, man."

Bucky said nothing as the trio fought another round of cops. Suddenly, Steve threw his shield. As if it was practiced, the shield ended up in Evelyn's hands before flying to Bucky's to use it to their advantage. Bucky tossed it back to Steve, and she could have sworn she saw a hint of a smile on Steve's face.

Bucky quickly grabbed Evelyn's waist as he broke a railing, using the railing to make it down another level. Evelyn grunted in pain at their landing before both gave each other a nod.

They took off running now that they made it to the floor. Bucky punched through a door as they both simultaneously jumped from the balcony of this apartment to the roof where their bag was waiting for them. Bucky and Evelyn both landed awkwardly, Evelyn wincing in a sharp pain in her foot as she stood. Neither wasted a second as they took off running.

Bucky grabbed their bag on the way, neither stopping for anything until they heard footsteps. Evelyn looked back to see a man clad in a black suit with a mask that reminded her of a cat. He attacked Bucky, knocking him down. Sharp claws appeared from his hand, trying to attack Bucky.

Evelyn turned and jumped onto the masked man just before he could land a swipe onto Bucky's face. Unfortunately, the man had caught Evelyn's neck. She gasped in pain at the claw marks as she stood protectively in front of Bucky. The masked man ran forward to hit her again, but she had managed to dodge his hits.

Bucky joined the fight, both supersoldiers finding the upperhand for a moment until the panther-like suit man kicked Bucky back. Evelyn saw red as she kicked him back, trying to gain that upperhand again. Gun shots were fired at them, and she could not be more relieved when she saw the Falcon take out the chopper. Bucky managed to get the Panther away as he motioned for the pair to take off.

Evelyn jumped from the roof with Bucky following as the pair began to run through the streets. She knew Steve and Sam were following, but the Panther man was following as well. They just could not shake him.

"Down!" Bucky yelled.

Evelyn noticed the underpass, so she jumped down again to land on top of a car while Bucky landed next to her. He gave her a slightly amused look as they both began to run again. She felt a twinge in her ankle, but she would not let it affect her now. Along with the claw marks, Evelyn was just glad it was her and not Bucky who was hurt. That's all Evelyn would do for the rest of their lives. Protect him.

Evelyn and Bucky ran at the same speed since they were supersoldiers, both finally feeling better since they were approaching where the jet was. Evelyn managed to jump over a car completely when it was in her way, and she tried to think of how much more running they had before they made it to it.

Evelyn noticed the fork in the road. "Cross!"

Bucky and Evelyn jumped over the barriers. Evelyn grinned to herself at the cops not being able to get to them right away. She noticed a car following them when she looked back, and she could see Steve driving it, but the Panther was with him.

"Lyn," Bucky called as a motorbike approached them. He reached his metal arm for her body, his other hand shoving the rider off as they twisted midair to straddle the bike. Evelyn was in front of him as he controlled the bike. They were going at an abrupt speed.

Bucky grunted when the Panter leapt off of the car toward the motorbike. Bucky managed to fling him aside, but his claw hit the tire—sending the bike to its side. Bucky held Evelyn to his chest to avoid the impact of the ground as he straightened the bike to keep going.

Evelyn reached in the bag, grabbing a sticky bomb. She threw it at the roof of the underpass, sighing out as it exploded. Rubble fell, and the Panther managed to grab the bike enough that Evelyn and Bucky were sent flying. He held her to his chest as they rolled on the ground.

Around them, cars surrounding them as Steve and Sam made it to the group. Evelyn stood in front of Bucky as Rhodey landed in front of them in his War Machine armor.

"Stand down, now," Rhodey said, holding up his hand.

"Rhodey," Evelyn started softly. "He didn't do it."

Rhodey ignored her words as he said, "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal."

Police moved forward to Bucky and Evelyn. Evelyn was grabbed roughly, and Bucky fought off the men holding him back as he watched her struggle. He failed to protect her. It was a hard pill to swallow as he watched Evelyn receive the same treatment as him as they shoved her to the ground—the woman hissing in pain from her claw marks.

Steve and Sam were treated better as their hands were detained. The Panther removed his mask to reveal the king of Wakanda. King T'Challa. Evelyn glared heatedly at him.

"Your highness," Rhodey greeted cooly.

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