xxxvi. 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜

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EVELYN AND Bucky had been to Italy, Ireland, Greenland, Canada, and California in the next few months, only being found out in Canada and Italy. They were now in a small house they rented from some people who were traveling—a lovely old couple who promised to not tell a soul who was staying in their house since they thought it was only Evelyn Stark.

Bucky and Evelyn were doing better than ever. He was slipping into old habits that seemed light years away, such as kisses on her knuckles and forehead. He even was beginning to talk more about the things he could remember from being the Winter Soldier. This was helping chase his nightmares away, which led to Evelyn quietly asking if he would sleep in the same bed as her. Bucky's other habit he could remember as plain as day was drawing patterns on her naked back—though neither had undressed in front of the other yet. He would simply draw his finger over her clothed back when he would wake in the morning, and Evelyn... Evelyn had never felt so happy in her life. She could almost imagine their life after the war when they would settle in somewhere nice.

Waking up on a bright, sunny day in 2015, Bucky had planned something. It took a lot of thinking to finally figure out when Evelyn's birthday was. He remembered a memory of the birthday dinner they had—the last time the large group were together. Evelyn, Howard, Mrs. Stark, Steve, Mrs. Rogers, Rebecca, and Bucky. He remembered that was the day he asked her to be his girlfriend. September 1, 1939. Also, this was the day Germany invaded Poland. He remembered how upset Evelyn was that morning.

Bucky liked being able to remember things, making sure to write them in his book. Passing up a photo of Steve as Captain America with a small smile on his face, Bucky made sure to keep as quiet as possible when getting out of bed.

He had made Evelyn a breakfast, something easy, of course. Fiddling with the small, poorly wrapped present in his hands, he hoped she liked it. It was something he picked up in Canada when passing by shops. She had to answer a call for Tony when he had seen it.

Smiling, he placed it on the table as he saw the door opening and Evelyn walking out of the bedroom wearing one of his shirts and a pair of pajama bottoms. Her hair was a mess, but her brown eyes were sparkling as she took in the breakfast before her.

"What did you do?" she asked cheekily, walking forward to stand in between his legs. Bucky wrapped his arms around her waist as she placed her hands on his face. "This is too much," she whispered. "I-How did–you remembered."

Bucky's smile was bright as he nodded. Evelyn kissed him once before hugging him. "Oh, God, Buck. I love you so much," she said softly.

Bucky gulped, not hearing those words since 1945. "I l-love you, doll," he stammered out, watching her eyes widen further as she let out a breathy laugh. "What?"

"Nothing," she said, kissing him once more. "Everything is perfect."

"Let's hope you still think so after you eat," Bucky said with a scowl. "The pan hated me."

Evelyn laughed, throwing her head back. Bucky watched her with nothing but adoration in his eyes as he stared at her. She finally detangled herself from him as she sat down to eat. Bucky had managed to figure out how to play music, only '40s music because that's all he liked. They ate in silence, except for a few comments from Evelyn about how wonderful the food was to which Bucky flushed a bit.

After they finished eating, Evelyn placed the dishes in the sink before turning to face Bucky with a mischievous look in her eyes. Turning up the music, it was playing something by The Andrew Sisters, which had a bit of a kick to it. She bit back a smile as she approached Bucky, grabbing his hand. He gave her a look.

"Oh, Lyn, I don't know—"

"Dance with me, James," Evelyn pleaded with a grin on her face.

Bucky bit his lip before allowing her to pull him to stand. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she guided them to move. After a few moments of slow movements, Evelyn added a few crazy motions to make him laugh. She would turn, landing into his chest. She leaned her head back on his shoulder, feeling his chest vibrate with laughter. She twisted back out, allowing Bucky to catch her. She grinned, kissing him once as the song ended.

They stayed swaying as a slower song came off, the trumpets loud. She leaned her head on his chest, whispering, "This is the best birthday ever."

Bucky held her a bit tighter before kissing her head. "I got something for you."

Evelyn backed away, noticing his nervous gaze toward the wrapped gift on the table. He picked it up, scratching the back of his neck before handing it to her.

"Happy birthday."

Evelyn pulled off the wrapping, and her eyes welled with tears.

"I got you something else, doll," Bucky reminded her, letting her go to reach into his suit pocket. Pulling out a small box, he opened it to reveal a diamond necklace that had the most beautiful red jewel in the center of the small heart. "Not much, but," he trailed off with a smile.

"Oh, Buck, this is beautiful," Evelyn said softly as she moved her hair. "Put it on me."

She stared at the small heart that was silver diamonds encrusted instead of red like the old necklace she had lost during the war. The red diamond heart had gotten lost, but she used the chain to hold the wedding rings.

Taking off the chain with their wedding rings, she let the tear fall. "Put it on me," she said quietly. Bucky watched her hands shakily hand it to him. As his soft hand and metal hand pushed her hair aside, he clasped the necklace into place. "Thank you... so much," she whispered as she turned to face him. Bucky stared at the heart necklace with a fond look. She hugged him, and he held her tightly to his chest.

Evelyn backed away, wiping at her eyes as she glanced down at their wedding rings. She picked up his, lifting his flesh hand with a smirk. Sliding it onto his ring finger, she was so glad it still fit perfectly. Bucky shakily grabbed her left hand, placing her ring on as well.

"Mrs. Barnes," Evelyn teased. "I like the sound of that."

"Me, too," Bucky agreed, kissing her knuckle where the ring was. "Me, too."

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