lix. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚎

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A/N: for the sake of the story, black panther's storyline happened a few months after civil war rather than the week or two it was supposed to be :) happy reading!


"HOW'RE YOU feeling?" Evelyn asked Bucky a few nights later. So far, Shuri had done the machine on the soldier two times. It was awful to watch, but he swore he could feel something changing. He swore he felt Hydra's hands ripping away from him. She still hated to have to watch him do it, but she refused to not be there for him.

Bucky eyed her from the small mirror as she put his hair in a half-up man bun that had a small, playful smile light up on her face. "I'm fine, Lyn. Stop worrying so much."

"It's my job to worry over you," Evelyn told him as she kissed the back of his head. Bucky had pulled her arm to wrap around his shoulder, and she wrapped her other arm around the side with no arm carefully. She had not pushed him on why he had denied T'Challa's claim to get him a new arm unless necessary. She did not need to. Arm or no arm, he was her James. "What do you think we should do today?"

"Absolutely nothing," Bucky said after a small hum. He turned, kissing her firmly on the mouth. She kissed him back with a smile on her lips.

She leaned back on the small cot they shared, Bucky leaning over her. "We can't do nothing."

"It's called resting," Bucky told her with his own grin playing on his lips.

"We rest too often," she told him with a firm look in her eyes before biting back a smile at his laughter that bubbled out. He leaned down, kissing her again. "I was thinking," she told him between kisses.

"Then, don't," Bucky murmured, shutting her up quickly.

A few hours later, Evelyn tugged on Bucky's hand, pulling him to the lake behind their hut. He wore a shawl over his arm, and he looked as she felt: calm. She loved it on him. When they got to the lake, she took a deep breath.

"What do you think of it here?" he asked her after they had sat down—her back against his front.

"I love it."

"What if we stay?"

Evelyn looked over her shoulder. "That's the point, James. Staying until Shuri finishes the procedure—"

"No, I mean for a while. Forever. After the procedure. After I'm fixed again. Just stay in our own little calm here in Wakanda," Bucky said softly, his gaze boring into her own. "If they allow us to, of course."

Evelyn thought it over before shrugging. "Wherever you are, I'll follow."

Bucky's face lit up happily. "Really?"

"Promise," she told him, kissing his lips once before a cough was heard.

Both turned to see Shuri standing there with a smile on her lips. "Ready?"

Bucky nodded, taking Evelyn's hand to help himself up. Shuri swore it would only need to be done no more than twice more, but Evelyn was ready for it to be over. The last time Ayo said his trigger words, he did not flinch at the first two before his entire being shifted. It took Evelyn almost thirty minutes to calm him down—back to James.

"We shall be gone for a few days," Okoye told them after another failed day. Bucky sat on the ground, Evelyn next to him as she kept a hand on his to keep him calm. He was breathing heavily. "It is King T'Challa's official coronation. Ayo will be around in case, but I believe you both will be fine alone."

Evelyn nodded, knowing Bucky would not answer her.

In those few days of Bucky resting while tending to the gardens and goats, Evelyn had heard from Ayo the troubles Wakanda was facing with the tribes around them due to a family member requesting to fight for the throne. Ayo promised that Evelyn and Bucky would be safe since they were so far from the Wakanda capital, but Evelyn could not help but be on edge.

It was Bucky who would managed to keep Evelyn calm rather than the other way around. He told her that T'Challa and his family were all bad asses who could not be pinned by the other tribes that easily. He did express his worry for Shuri—the girl becoming something of a sister to both of them.

It was a few weeks after the worry for the beautiful country that T'Challa made an official statement at the United Nations that Wakanda was ready to open their technologies to the world.

Evelyn had been sitting outside of the lab room while Bucky was prepped for what Shuri hoped was his final treatment of the machine. She was holding the phone to her ear as Sam and Natasha argued over something she was not sure. Steve was trying to separate them as she smirked at their bickering. Looking outside the window, she watched the sun begin to set.

"Steve?" she called for him.

"Sorry," he said with a wry laugh. "Sorry. Natasha stormed out. It's been a rough few weeks. How about it on your end?"

Evelyn turned to see Bucky staring at his hand that was shaking. "Shuri's been working tirelessly. They think it'll be out soon. He's been through a lot."

Steve sighed. "Is he all right?"

"I'm just glad I stayed. Doing this alone would have been a nightmare," she murmured. "Do you need anything, Steve? Can I help in any way?"

It was silent for a moment before Steve said, "Maybe when we find a new place. We're not staying here long. Ross is still looking for us."

"Buck wants to stay here, actually," she told him with a small laugh. "I told him wherever he is, I go. But, if you need me, Stevie, I'll be there."

"I know. I'm grateful for you," Steve said firmly. "Have you spoken to Tony?"

"Yesterday he called. Said Rhodey's finally walking right. The design I sent him worked," she murmured. "He made tweaks, of course."

Steve laughed. "Of course he did. He's Tony. Can't stop tinkering to save a life."

Evelyn smiled softly before she noticed Ayo walking to her. "Okay, Steve. I have to go. Call me when you need me. Love you."

"I love you, Eve," Steve told her quietly.

She stood, following Ayo into the lab. Shuri smiled brightly at her, and she noticed T'Challa in the room as well. "Good afternoon, Evelyn," T'Challa greeted her. "Sergeant Barnes is ready when you are."

"James?" she asked him softly. "We can wait a few days if you—"

"Let's just get it done," Bucky told her with a tight smile, leaning back on the chair. When his arm was strapped in, Evelyn placed her hand on his. She turned her head to nod once at Shuri.

Evelyn shut her eyes as the screams started, wanting to take away all of the pain. It lasted longer than the others, and a part of her longed for Shuri to shut it down. Clenching her teeth, she forced emotions away as she thought of nothing but the peace they would feel when this was all over.

Evelyn opened her eyes when the screams stopped, seeing Bucky unconscious. "Shuri?" Evelyn asked worriedly, reaching her hand up to his sweaty cheek. "What's wrong with him?"

"Too much."

"I shall bring him to lie down. We will wait until he wakes," Okoye told Evelyn. She and Ayo unstrapped Bucky's arm, carrying him out of the lab.

Evelyn watched them go, feeling a knot in her throat. T'Challa stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It worked. I can feel it, Mrs. Barnes."

"I hope. Thank you, Shuri," she whispered to the princess.

Shuri smiled at her, bowing her head slightly. Evelyn followed the two warriors out, her worry for Bucky doubling as he did not wake yet. When they made it to their small home, Okoye told Ayo to stay put for when he woke. Ayo nodded obediently.

Evelyn sat next to him on the bed. She brushed his hair from his forehead, pushing it behind his ear while waiting for him to wake.

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