lxxxv. 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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"ONE STEP at a time, Lyn," Bucky murmured, helping her through the physical therapy she was forced to do since they found out the stones really affected the neurons in her brain that allowed her to do the simplest of things. Evelyn stared at Bucky with fury in her eyes while he gave her a cheesy grin that was only saved for her. "C'mon, you get to listen to me at my therapy. I get to help you at yours."

Evelyn ignored him, grabbing the nearest chair to sit down. Sweat fell as she leaned over and grabbed her head that was pounding. Tony and she had the same visions that the stones gave. Showing them their deepest fears just before they would have killed them. She was still working on being herself.

"Did Steve bring back the stones?" Evelyn asked after some moments of silence.

Bucky nodded. "He's been back for a few hours." Bucky waited a minute. "Have you thought about what he talked to you about?"

Evelyn looked up, biting her lip. "Of course, I have. I'm just scared it would screw up everything."

"How so? We go back. We live our lives. We ignore anything that we already know, and if we're alive around this time, we just let the Avengers do what they do best. What we did best. There is no Steve, Bucky, or Evelyn at that time. You and Steve are frozen. I'm with Hydra. No one would know."

"But we would," Evelyn stressed. "Am I supposed to be happy knowing somewhere you're in pain? Somewhere, Steve is frozen? And, what? We give up being Captain American, Venus, the Winter Soldier?"

"Steve said he was ready. He is planning on going, Lyn, whether we go or not."

"What about Howard? When... when you kill him... I'm supposed to just let it happen?"

Bucky stayed silent.

Evelyn stood shakily, managing to stand by herself before grabbing her cane to help her walk. Taking a deep breath, she said, "I think we should, but we need to wrap up everything here."

"Agreed," Bucky murmured. "We can't change the future too much, you know."

"Then... I guess it's settled." Bucky smiled, running a hand through his long hair. Evelyn stared at him for a while before snorting a laugh, "C'mon, Sergeant. Let's have Wanda cut your hair. She's the only one I trust."

Bucky helped Evelyn walk through the Tower since the Compound was destroyed. They found Wanda in her room alone, watching a sitcom on television. Wanda smiled shakily at the pair, pausing her show to see what they wanted.

"Hey, Wan," Evelyn said. "Can you do me a favor and cut James's hair?"

Wanda smiled a bit brighter, nodding. "Yes, of course. Come in here." Evelyn sat on the tub while Bucky sat in Wanda's chair by the mirror. Wanda stood behind him, running a hand through his hair. "What do we want with it?"

"Short," Bucky said. "How are you, Wanda?"

Wanda froze at the question, but she remembered how she and the soldier had become friends in the few weeks they lived in the Tower. "I'm getting there. Tony is recovering Vision's parts from a news organization that thinks they own him. Tony thinks he can recreate Vision with Shuri's help and mine." She grabbed scissors and began to snip away. Evelyn knew she would have done it if she could stand for a longer period of time. "I can't wait for him to come home."

"And he will," Evelyn stated. "If anything, Tony would never let his work remain with those idiots."

Wanda let out a small chuckle. "Agreed." It was quiet besides some humming from Wanda as she cut and shaved away. Evelyn smiled, wondering why so much bad happened to such a sweet girl.

"Mrs. Barnes, Captain Rogers is wondering where you and Sergeant Barnes are located. Shall I inform him of your whereabouts?"

"Go for it, Friday," Evelyn responded as Wanda's humming stopped.

"You all plan to leave... back to your time," Wanda said with no question about it. She knew.

Bucky smiled slightly. "We want to."

"You should," Wanda said with a nod. "You'll be happier. You've done what you were meant to do here."

Evelyn grinned. "I'm glad you support us."

"Now, have you told Tony?"

Evelyn and Bucky cringed.

"Not very thrilled for that conversation," Bucky admitted just as Steve looked amused at the scene in front of him. Steve sat next to Evelyn, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

"You look good, Buck," Steve said as Wanda used magic to brush the excess hairs away. "Like yourself back then. Does that mean..."

"Yes," Evelyn finished with a beaming grin. Steve grinned probably bigger than he ever had before. They were going home.

Wanda hugged all three even though they were not leaving right at that moment. She knew they would leave when they were ready. Evelyn stood between her two supersoldiers, becoming like a sandwich as they helped her walk downstairs.

"Say 'I' if you don't want to call Tony for a family dinner," Evelyn said quickly, adding, "I!"

"I!" Bucky yelled shoving his hand over Steve's mouth so he could not beat them. Steve gave the married couple a glare.

"You both suck," Steve said with a pout. Evelyn pinched Steve's cheek as Bucky began to talk about what he was going to cook with Evelyn's help for their last family dinner in this day and age. Steve could be heard talking on his phone as Evelyn was put on the counter by Bucky.

He stood in between her legs, one hand resting on her thigh rubbing circles while the other went to caress her face. "You never told me how beautiful I look," he murmured as Evelyn simply stared at his face--taking him all in.

"I'm getting this implanted in my memory forever," Evelyn said softly. "The smile. The hair. The calm you have... it's beautiful. You're beautiful, James."

Bucky smashed his lips onto hers, pulling her closer to him. Their lips were in sync as Bucky let out a soft moan against them. Evelyn pulled him closer, grinding herself against him just as Steve walked into the kitchen with a loud groan. "C'mon, guys! Not in the kitchen!" Bucky released himself from Evelyn, smirking over her shoulder with plump, red, kissed lips.

"Wanna join?" Bucky asked in a teasing tone.

Evelyn hit Bucky's chest, laughing into nothingness as they all were feeling a sense of peace for the first time in a long time. Steve rolled his eyes, shoving Bucky away from Evelyn as he added, "Let's cook before Tony gets here and witnesses a show."

"Yeah, can't lose my good graces with him this early," Bucky agreed, kissing Evelyn once more before he and Steve went to try and cook. Evelyn yelled directions, but she was being ignored as Steve and Bucky were arguing over which pasta was better.

"And I'm going back in time with these idiots?" Evelyn murmured but was ignored when they began to play wrestle. "Boys!"

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