xliii. 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎

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BACK AT the new Avengers Compound, Evelyn ran the brush through Wanda's hair as the pair sat in Wanda's new room. The witch had apologized profusely for almost killing Evelyn when her magic was lost from her control, and Evelyn did not blame her. She had lost her other half. Pietro Maximoff had given his life to save Clint and the little boy, and Evelyn knew it was the death of a hero. Evelyn knew she could never live with herself if she lost Steve or Bucky again.

Placing the brush down, she sighed. "They'll take care of you," she said.

"I know wishing for you to stay is not worth it," Wanda said softly. "You have a husband to return to. I hope you finally can rest."

Evelyn laughed softly. "I'm only a phone call away, Wanda. Anything you need. Trust Steve, though. Trust Steve more than anyone. Let me know how Nat is every once and a while," she said with a hesitant sigh at Bruce Banner being lost as the Hulk. "I know she's hurting, too. She likes to pretend she's fine."

Wanda stood to hug Evelyn tightly. "Thank you," she said.

"For what?"

"For being here to speak to," Wanda said honestly as they parted.

Evelyn smiled at her as she led the witch to the briefing room where Sam, Rhodey, and Vision were waiting. Sam hugged her tight when he reached her. "How's the hunt?"

"As well as it can go," Evelyn said. "Steve will fill you in after I go talk to him."

Evelyn waved at the others as she left the room to find Natasha and tell the redhead goodbye since she had not said it before. She did not know how long she would be with Bucky again, so she did not want to miss a single face. After saying goodbye to her, Evelyn ran through the halls in search of the three men she had yet to see. She yelped when she suddenly turned a corner and ran into a body.

"Sorry," she squeaked as she backed off of Thor. Steve and Tony gave her amused looks as she ran a hand through her messy hair. "Hey. I was looking for you three."

Thor smiled at her as Tony said, "Well, you found us, Ice Pop."

Evelyn rolled her eyes as she pushed his arm. "You make me sick with the ice jokes."

"You love them."

Evelyn hummed as she smiled at them. She noticed Thor was still in his Asgardian armor. "You're leaving?"

Thor nodded. "I know our time was short, Lady Evelyn, but I am glad to be able to know you."

"Same here," she said before glancing at the hammer. "Someone want to explain the hammer to me?"

Steve perked up as they began to walk. "He's the only one who can hold it. Something 'bout his worthiness. We all tried. Not one of us could do it."

"'Cept Vision," Tony chirped. "Which is why we were all so shocked."

"Aha," Evelyn noted. "So, your manly prides were upset that Vision could hold it but you couldn't?"

Steve shrugged as they walked through the halls toward the exit. "The rules have changed."

"We're dealing with something new," Tony agreed.

"Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence."

Tony pointed at Steve with a small smirk. "A machine."

"So it doesn't count."

"No. It's not like a person lifting the hammer."

Steve extended his arm for Evelyn to latch hers around his as they walked. "Right. Different rules for us."

Venus | James B. Barnes✔Kde ÅŸijí příběhy. Začni objevovat