lxxxiv. 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚜

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IN BUCKY'S defense, he and Natasha Romanoff were not always on the best of terms, to begin with. Their tragic backstory, their fights always being on opposite sides until they weren't, their friends always being in moral danger... most of the time in the past being his fault. Natasha did not hate Bucky, but she sure as hell was getting irritated with his constant blabbering.

Bucky was never one to talk much since he stopped being the Winter Soldier. Sure, Evelyn brought out the best in him, but he just could not shut up.

"He does it when he's nervous," Steve decided to input only making Bucky's blabbering worsen with defensive comments against his nerves. He was not not nervous, but there was no need to go shouting it out and about.

Natasha finally had enough of it, standing abruptly, picking up the nearest chair, and swinging it to hit Bucky's head.

Only, his metal arm came up and grabbed the leg of the chair, subsequently breaking said leg off. He threw the leg at Natasha in annoyance.

"This is not our property, Natalia," Bucky said with a teasing tone to his voice as he used her real name. She glared, tossing the chair down and walking over to Pepper to get an update on the Starks.

"You really get under her skin," Clint commented with a smirk. "It's funny."

Steve laughed along with the archer while Bucky's leg began to move instead of his mouth. Steve glanced at his best friend before looking at Clint. "Didn't you lose your family, Barton? Shouldn't you go home?"

"Evelyn was my friend, Tony was, too. We're family, the biggest and grossest, but nonetheless family. I already explained to Laura why I'm not already on a jet. She's worried, but she understands. As soon as we get an all-clear, Nat and I will be heading off."

"All clear came a bit faster than you thought," Wanda said as she approached them carefully. "Pepper just ran in as if her ass was on fire. I guess that means you'll be next, Bucky."

Bucky stood up a bit straighter when Wanda said that, noticing a Wakandan doctor coming over to the large group. They all were quiet as the doctor finally made it to them with T'Challa walking over as well, both with smiles on their face which was a relief.

"Mr. Stark is stable after hours of work. He will have no function with his right hand because it is completely dead. He is already mumbling about getting it removed and replaced with a bionic arm much like yourself, Sergeant Barnes," the doctor said with a smile.

T'Challa nodded. "Yes, Mr. Stark is as full of wits as ever. He immediately began making comments about the technology we used before beginning to worry over the White Tiger."

"And, how is she?" Steve asked when he noticed Bucky's tense and quiet outlook as they spoke about Tony instead of the woman he loved. "Evelyn Barnes, is she okay?"

T'Challa nodded as the doctor said, "I am pleased to say that because of her hold on Mr. Stark, Mrs. Barnes took half of the pain that would have killed Tony had it just been him by himself--"

"Like after the dance off, right, Quill?" Rocket asked with a grin from across the room. "When we all used the Power Stone!?"

"Except she isn't a demi-God or immortal," Quill added with a raise of his brow. "How did she help Stark if she is just... ordinary."

"But she is not," T'Challa said with a grin as Steve and Bucky nodded. "She is a supersoldier. Different blood runs through her veins despite the two Starks being related. She saved Tony's life along with the world. She is stable as well. Her hand and arm are bruised and broken from how hard Mr. Stark was holding it along with the pressure of the stones, but she is fine. Tony took the brunt of it."

Bucky let out a breath he was holding, releasing his clenched fist. "I want to see her."

"You will be able to, but I must warn you, White Wolf," T'Challa stated as Bucky stood. "Mr. Stark is in the same room because he wanted to watch over her. Please, no arguing. Not only could it affect their recovery, but it will also not be worth holding hate after the battles we have faced."

"I guarantee I have no hate for Stark," Bucky murmured, watching as everyone nodded with a smile–glad one was ready to be the bigger person. Steve hoped that lasted if Tony opened his big mouth.

"Let's go," T'Challa gestured to the rooms in the back. "Only Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers for now."

Bucky and Steve followed T'Challa and the doctor to an opened door where the faint sound of rock music was playing. Steve rolled his eyes, not expecting anything less from Stark. Bucky smiled softly when he heard her melodious laughter along with Pepper and Tony's. Once they made it in the room, T'Challa left the doctor to do a few check-ups while Bucky and Steve stood awkwardly by the door.

"Why so tense, Manchurian Candidate?"

Bucky's gaze left the small girl he now noticed to go to his wife. She smiled gently, nudging her head to Tony. When his eyes met Tony's, Tony was smirking while his left hand was held by Pepper. The small girl hid a bit by Evelyn, causing Evelyn to chuckle lightly.

"Last time we were in a room together, you tried to kill me," Bucky said nonchalantly, "but I suppose I get why." Pepper snorted a laugh causing Evelyn to begin laughing, too. Steve and the small girl joined in while Tony stayed smirking. Bucky did not know if he was in some sort of simulation. What the hell was going on?

"Morgan, meet your uncle Bucky," Tony finally said once the laughter died down. Bucky looked confused.

"C'mere, soldier," Evelyn said with a smile, reaching out her arm that did not hurt. Bucky walked to her with hesitance. Bucky leaned toward her when she pulled him, resting his forehead against hers. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me? You decided to try and die on me," he whispered back against her lips before kissing her once. "I'm glad both of you are okay." He leaned back up, knowing it would be uncomfortable for the rest if he started kissing her more. "Hello... Morgan."

Morgan grinned toothily up at him. "Hi, Uncle Buck. Auntie Icicle told me lots of stories about you!"

Tony grinned as Bucky became more uncomfortable. Pepper grinned as well before standing up. "All right, Morgan. Let's let these guys hash out their problems before it gets more awkward in here."

"Make sure Pete's being good," Tony said with a nod. Pepper kissed him once before also kissing Evelyn's cheek. She took Morgan out, and it was just silence.

Steve nudged Bucky, gesturing to Tony.

Bucky decided to get the worst out of the way. "Stark," Bucky began. Tony hummed, obviously enjoying the awkwardness and tense way Bucky was acting. He was an asshole at heart after all, and he loved it. "I'm sorry for my actions as The Winter Soldier. I was not in my right mind, but it was still me. I'm no longer the Winter Soldier. I'm James 'Bucky' Barnes, and if there is anything I can do to make dealing with me easier, just let me know."

Tony clapped slowly before it sped up. "Well rehearsed, Metal Man. I guess I'll accept. For Evelyn's sake. For Steve's. But also for us. Hatred is just too draining... and there's nothing that will bring them back. I've gotten my closure... it's time for you to have yours."

Evelyn watched in shock as Tony lifted his non-injured hand, though still weakly, and extended it for Bucky to shake.

Bucky watched it, extending his flesh hand to grasp Tony's hand.

Maybe everything would be all right.

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