xx. 𝚛𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜

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EVELYN DROVE with Steve following on his damn motorcycle. They were going home—Brooklyn. Nick Fury had ruined Evelyn's view of his character. She understood he was trying to give her time, but Steve being alive needed to be told to her. She thought she was completely and utterly alone.

When she pulled up at her new home, she smiled at him—the smile seemingly permanent. She watched him lift his seat to grab a backpack as he ran up to meet her on her porch. Opening the door, she murmured, "I'm still moving in."

Steve laughed. "It's nice. I'm glad you found somewhere in Brooklyn," he said quietly. "I'm going to change." Evelyn nodded as he walked to the bathroom.

She walked to the kitchen, putting water to boil for tea. She felt her nerves spike, not knowing what to do or say. There was so much she had longed to say to Steve and Bucky one more time. Now, she had Steve here.

She was leaning on the fridge, her fingers going to her necklace. Her eyes were on the photo she had of Howard with Maria and Tony in a frame on her counter. "Howard," she whispered, "I feel like I've been given a second chance."

It was quiet for some time until her eyes widened at Steve standing in front of her with a laugh. Her ears perked up just as the kettle began to whistle. "Sorry," she said quickly, turning to grab the pot. Grabbing two mugs, she poured the hot water in as she pointed to the cabinet. "Grab the tea bags, please." Steve did as she said, helping her make the tea. When it was made, the pair went to sit on the couch. Evelyn kicked off her heels.

She noticed Steve wore sweatpants with a tight fitted top and just socks. It was as if he already knew they were having a sleepover, no questions asked. She found herself smile. "Well," she started, "have you been able to work a television?"

Steve cracked a grin, trying to bite back his laugh. It bubbled out he turned to look at her. Evelyn's legs were brought to her chest as she wrapped one arm around them. The other held her mug.

"I have, actually. I figured you'd be able to do it quickly," Steve said.

"Tony picked out all the latest tech," Evelyn said with a pout. "It's all so complicated. I hate my cell phone."

Steve grinned, placing his mug on her coaster before taking out his own phone. He gestured for her to hand him her phone. She tossed it to him, and she watched him put his number inside of it. "There," he said softly, "though I don't think I'll be able to leave you alone for a little while."

"I don't think I'd be okay if you did."

Steve's smile fell as it became eerily quiet.

Finally, after a moment, Steve said, "When you left, no one could focus. Howard was in complete disarray. Peggy was close to tears. I couldn't believe you had left me."

"Steve," Evelyn whispered.

"You left me, Evelyn. All we had left was each other, and you left," he said quietly, placing his mug down as he rested his chin on his hand. "When I had to bring that plane down with the bombs, all I could think was how happy I was to be going where you and Bucky were."

Evelyn let out a soft gasp, reaching over to place her own mug down and grab his hand. "I'm so sorry," she said. "Nothing I say will make it right, but you have to understand. He was alive," she promised. "I could feel it. He was out there... I-I just didn't get to him fast enough."

Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her to his chest. He kissed her head. "We're here now. We're here. We're together. You're all I have."

Evelyn hugged him close as they sat there the entire night. Eventually, the pair fell asleep—Steve pulling a blanket on top of them as he realized how lucky he was to have his best friend back.

When Evelyn woke up, she almost thought it was all a dream. She could hear her phone ringing, causing an immediate scowl to form on her face. Sitting up, she smiled as Steve began to stir.

She stood shakily as she answered her phone without looking at the ID. "Hello?"

"Jesus, it's almost ten. You never sleep this late," Tony quipped. "What's been going on? Fury's been sending me messages to make sure you're okay."

Evelyn held the phone with her head as she picked up the two mugs from the night before, taking them to be washed. She began to make coffee as she replied, "He was keeping Steve from me."

"Ah," Tony breathed.

"I know you knew."


"I'm not mad."

"Well, aren't I lucky?"

"God, you're an ass," Evelyn teased before she added, "how are you coming with the Mandarin case?"

Tony sighed. "I'm heading to Miami now where I've got a lead. Mark 42 is with the kid, but I've got Jarvis keeping me company."

"Good. I'll still help if you need—"

"No," Tony said. "You got your best friend back. You should catch up. Ask him about the aliens. He'll love that, old Capsicle."

Evelyn grinned as they spoke for a little while longer before he ended the call. She turned to see Steve sitting at the counter with a smile on his face. "What?" she asked as she grabbed a pan to make eggs.

"I'm just glad you're alive," he said seriously.

"Me, too. Who'd make you my famous eggs and bacon?" she asked with a teasing wiggle of her eyebrows. "Make me coffee, Captain."

"Aye, aye," he said mockingly as he stood. "That was Tony?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yeah. With Howard gone, I feel like it's my responsibility to look after him. I know he's older than me... he loves to point it out. I just want to do Howard right. He probably hated me for going after James."

Steve shook his head. "He didn't hate you. He was guilty he didn't go with you when you asked."

"I'm glad he married and had a kid. I never saw it happening," she said with a laugh. "He loved partying and women too much."

Steve agreed with a chuckle.

"Tony's kinda similar so I've heard. I'm glad he's got Pepper. Have you met her?" Evelyn asked. Steve nodded. "She's great."

Steve laughed. "Yeah. She is."

"Tony asked you to tell me about the aliens," Evelyn said with a grin as Steve narrowed his eyes. After they both made breakfast, they sat at her small table as Steve went through everything that happened with Loki and the Chitauri army. Evelyn listened intently, making comments here and there, but she was very interested in the story. When he was done, she said, "Huh, I bet you miss the days when we were the weirdest things in the world."

"Hear, hear," Steve muttered, a laugh falling from his mouth.

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