Octavia: .. Thanks. 

Stolas: May I?

Octavia looked at her blade as she then hands it to Stolas. He draws the blade and looks at the inscription.

Stolas: Well, I'll be... Loyal, Brave, and True. This blade is is very known. How did you-

Octavia: Vara. When we first went to Earth, he saved a village from raiders and was deemed a hero. But he didn't feel that it was right to hold the blade.

Stolas: hm.. I guess since he does have the Goetia Sword. I guess he entrusted the blade to you.

Octavia: That's what I think to.

She then sets down as Stolas gives the blade back to her. The two stayed quiet as Stolas wondered what Octavia was thinking, but he immediately figured it out.

Stolas: You wish to be with Vara, do you?

Octavia: *blushes* What?!

Stolas: I mean, I don't blame you. But... you do know that it is dangerous on Earth. 

Octavia: I know.. 

Stolas: But... I think the friends that Vara has made... are really trustworthy. But... I-

Octavia: .. It's alright, Dad. You don't' have to worry about me alot. And to be honest.. I don't mind you hanging out with that imp. 

Stolas: .. Really? I- Well.. Uh... You don't really mind me making-

Octavia: Don't push it.

Stolas: Right... Well, I'll let you go if you want. But don't rush to quickly without telling me, alright?

Octavia nods as the both of them hug. Stolas leaves the room as Stella sees him leaving the room, still having a disinterested look. As Stolas walks away, Stella peeks in Octavia's room as she sees her practicing with the blade. Stella widens her eyes as to how Octavia kept her talents flowing, but didn't make a noise as she leaves the door and walks away. Back on Earth at the castle, Vara was in the basement by himself as he was training with the blade once again, guided by the Fierce Deity. As he was training, the doors open very fast as Sora, Donald, and Goofy rushed to the room.

Sora: Vara, we have a problem!

Vara: What?

Donald: Heartless! Invading a city nearby!

Goofy: It seems like these Heartless are making a move. My guess that it is Pete's doing.

Vara: Well, let's not get distracted. Let's go!

The four then rush upstairs as they ran outside of the castle, running through the forest to reach the city. Sora informed Vara that Cloud, Mario, and the others are at the city fighting the Heartless. As they all arrived at the city, they saw alot of Heartless raiding each building. 

Vara: ... This is a nightmare. 

Just now, Heartless surrounds the four as they took out their weapons and get ready to fight. Vara rushes over to his side of the Heartless and starts to slice and dice each and everyone one he finds. With Sora, he uses his continuous flow of combat, striking each heartless on sight, while casting Thundaga and kept on fighting, with Donald and Goofy supporting him using alot of magic and shield bashes. While slashing each heartless, Vara flips over one and slashes it's head, then landing, rolling over a taller heartless and slashing it in the process. Sora kept on striking each heartless he sees as he's gotten a little air, floating and attacking. A wave of Heartless then sinks into the ground as the four grouped up. 

The Child of the Moon: The Fierce DeityWhere stories live. Discover now