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Sunday, ‎September ‎19, ‎2021, ‏‎8:42 AM

You know that feeling where you feel anxiousness happening all over your body? Your throat is dry and your stomach is forming this sort of knots that make you wanna hurl and you just know that something is gonna go wrong. This gut feeling going on inside of you that you don't wanna talk about because you cant think straight when you do. So many thoughts in your mind and you feel like your heart is racing a thousand miles per hour. Gets difficult to breath, think and so anything so you just sit there and wait for it to go but it never does. But when it does, it doesn't take more then one second for it to come back.

These questions going on inside of you and you cant seem to find answers. Or if you are like me, You already know the answer but you want more to it. its not enough for your satisfaction.

That is what I feel every single day. Every moment I'm reminded how much of a failure i am and that if I just tried then I would've succeeded. But how do i explain that i tried and i tried my hardest but I just cant. Its beyond my abilities to do certain things people want me to achieve.

this fear of not being able to satisfy others (my parents mainly) is swallowing me into this whole of darkness filled with my biggest nightmares. 

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