I remember how we'd sit in his apartment bedroom. He'd lay across his bed, and I'd lay my head on his stomach. We would study like that for hours.. Or talk.. I had never heard him laugh around anyone else like he did when he was with me, and I was selfishly obsessed with that thought.. I remember that his roommate wasn't home much after we started hanging out because he got a girlfriend so he was gone a lot. I remember we used to cook together, or try to... I remember months after our 7/11 adventure, there was one night I had almost kissed him, and I remember I... That... That was it.. That night.


    "Well if you're hungry then cook yourself a meal dipshit." I shove Harry to the side, and he stands up fully, and lifts me up over his shoulder, carrying me from his bedroom, straight to the kitchen. He places me on the ground right on my feet, sending shockwaves through me.. Not only because of the cold tile flooring, but the lingering of his fingers on my bare skin. I watch him, seeing the purpose behind his movements, and then I turn away.

    "Why don't we have a drink, and then cook something?" He asks, and he shouldn't even ask. I don't think I have or ever would turn down a drink.

    "Okay, you make it." I wave him on, and open his pantry myself, digging through the shitty college kid food inside. Does anyone here eat anything that isn't processed? I shake my head, and take out a microwave mac and cheese bowl, ripping its lid off right away. "I'm eating this." I tell him, and use the faucet to put water in it. I fill the water to the line, and then put it in the microwave. I turn around, and raise an eyebrow at him in confusion. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask.

    "Making Sangria." He tells me, and I shake my head.

    "Are you dumb or stupid? Because you're going to fuck it up." I tell him, and he scoffs, dropping his jaw.

    "You're an ass.. How about you help me instead of insulting me?" He asks, and I roll my eyes.

    "What fun would that be?" I ask, and push him to the side with my hips, stepping in front of him. I take an orange, and cut it in half, squeezing the whole thing into the pitcher, pulp and all. I take my mac and cheese out of the microwave, and let it cool, and then I mix everything, Harry helping, and then I pour us both a glass.

    "Cheers mate." He holds up the glass.

    "You know sometimes you try to say things to sound more british... As if the accent isn't enough.." I remind him, and he flips me a middle finger as he takes a sip. I watch his face scrunch, and then go back to normal as he forces himself to swallow. "How is it?" I ask.

    "Great.. Super tasty, you should try it." He tells me, and I furrow my brows.

    "You're a fucking liar." I laugh, and he shakes his head.

    "Am not. It's yummy. I'd drink a gallon." He lies straight to my face, but I take a sip anyway, and I gag.

    "Yeah, fail. Dump it all.. That could poison someone." I shake my head, and he laughs. I take my cooled mac and cheese, and take a bite, and feel exactly how not cool it is, opening my mouth to try and breathe some cool air in. "Hawt.. Ha.. Haaa." I speak with my mouth open, trying to fan it, and then I drop it all, the mac and cheese splattering all over my shirt, and my pants, and Harry doesn't even look at me. He has his back turned to me as he hears my second fail of the night and he just laughs.

    "I guess I should make something for us?" He asks, and I sigh, cleaning up the mac and cheese.

    "Or we could take shots, and order pizza."

    "This is why we're best friends." He tells me, and turns over his shoulder at my silence. He smiles at me, showing off his dimples like a trophy, and I smile back. "Right?" He asks, and I hesitate, and then nod, telling myself not to stare.

Skinny Dipping -H.SМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя