Chapter 21 : MJ

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"Aren't you hungry, my Love?"
Gorya slips into their home library, carrying a tray of sandwiches and iced tea.

MJ doesn't respond. He doesn't even lift his head to look at her.

Gorya was used to this. When MJ was in a bad mood, he shut her and everyone else out. She doesn't bother him any further and puts the food on a table near his desk.

"Is there anything else you need?," Gorya asks. "I could get you some cake?"

"Can you leave me the fuck alone?"

Gorya startles and takes a step back. She is scared now, she knows full well what could happen when MJ was in this mood.

She silently nods and slowly starts backing away.

"Cake and sandwiches. If you want to fucking help me then buy more shares in Thai Royale!"

"You know that I have tried to talk to Daddy about-"

"Tried? Is that all you've got?," MJ says menacingly.

Gorya would usually back away at this point, there was no talking to MJ when he's like this but he's been like this for far too long this time.

Before, his temper would last a day or two and he'd come crawling back to her with flowers and soliloquies. But it has almost been two months of this unrelenting anger.

"Why are you so obsessed with Thai Royale?," Gorya asks, voice louder than usual.

"Because it belongs to me. I am not going to lose to that robot."

"You hate him so much? Then why are you trying so hard to become a Chivaree?"

MJ's eyes widen with anger.
But Gorya is not done.

"Why isn't being a Changkham enough? Look around you, look at everything you already have - why isn't it enough? Why aren't I enough?"

MJ stands so abruptly that the chair he was sitting on falls on the ground with a resounding crash.

He raises his fist and Gorya covers her pregnant belly with both her arms, anticipating a blow.

But thankfully, it doesn't come. Not this time anyway.

MJ slams his hand on the desk instead.

Gorya runs out the door.

Fucking useless. That woman better be thankful her father is filthy rich because she is utterly useless.

Enough my fucking ass. Who wanted enough?

MJ feels the urge to throw his laptop into the glass windows just to see them shatter. Just to be able to watch something get utterly destroyed.

But he could not. Who knows who was watching? Or who among his staff had loose tongues?

He was in fucking competition with Sarawat now. And he was losing in the one arena he should be acing without effort.

It's me who's charming! It's me who the media loves! I am the fucking darling of the corporation and the press!

Since when did that frigid half brother of his ever hold a candle to him?!

It's that stupid Tine.
Where the hell did that deadbeat come from?

All his plans have been foiled by an actor wannabe - it insulted MJ to his core. Losing to Sarawat he could deal with - he had been losing to him since birth. But to motherfucking Tine? That naive boy? How?!

He had deployed every dirty reporter and intrusive paparazzi their way, even hired a PI to act on rumors from Sarawat's staff that Tine slept in a separate room.

But each time - nothing.

Worse the reporters just ended up boosting the whole fairytale whirlwind romance making Sarawat-Tine more popular.

MJ rips the paper in front of him into shreds - a quieter and smaller act of rage that no one could possibly take against him.

MJ was racing against a clock. He needed control of that corporation soon or else all this enough his stupid stupid wife kept prattling on about would become nothing.
They would lose all of it.

He takes a flask from his desk drawer and greedily drinks its contents.

Gorya didn't know that, of course. No one knew the quicksand he was in.

He grabs his phone and searches for Jandi's number.

"Hello," she drawls, picking up after the 3rd ring.

"You said you'd help me get Thai Royale away from Sarawat."


"So help."

"I am not doing it for free, MJ."

"Name your price."

"Oh. Now we're talking. So what kind of help did you need?"

"Sarawat and Tine - they're not faking it. So I need another way to get the board to vote my way."

MJ could practically hear Jandi smiling from wherever the hell she was. She speaks after a moment.

"This is our plan A. We will get proof they're fake engaged and-"

"Jandi, I called you because I thought you were smart," MJ interrupts. "But apparently you cannot even listen. It's not fake."

"Maybe now it's not. But I am 100% sure it started fake."

"What the hell do you mean?"

"I mean that I have little birdies in Praya's staff. And one of them has seen the contract Tine signed when he agreed to fake date Sarawat."

MJ cocks an eyebrow. "And why should I trust this staff?"

"Because she sent me a photo of the contract."

"Then that's it! All we need to do is show that photo in an emergency board meeting!"

Jandi scoffs. "And I thought you were smart. That's an idiotic plan."

"What did you call me?," MJ snarls.

Jandi yawns. "Get angry all you want but what board member would risk the wrath of Sarawat Chivaree for a blurry photo of a contract? Use your head MJ."

"So we need the original copy."

"There. Glad to know our brains are finally working. Steal the actual document then call the bloody meeting. Then takeover the company then pay me."

"How much did you want?"

"Meet me so we can discuss this heist. I shall bring a list of my demands then."

"How about we meet at a hotel and do more than discuss?"

MJ was a sleazy scumbag. He knew it. He was actually kind of proud of it. Real men slept around, right? Besides, how can he get off with a pregnant woman? How grotesque.

"MJ steal the company first then let's talk. I am sure you would be much more attractive to me once you're a billionaire."

MJ smiles as he ends the call.

Billionaire MJ Changkham.

He loved the sound of that.

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