Chapter 14 : Tine

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Reporter watching your every move? Not as glamorous as I thought it would be. I cannot believe I used to daydream about this. How do those Hollywood stars tolerate those week long tell alls?

Tine self-consciously adjusts his shirt and makes sure for the 20th time that his expression was happy and giddy or at the very least neutral. Lord knows he has a bitchy resting face when he's not paying attention. He stifles a sigh. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

He looks over at Sarawat who was seated beside him at the dinner table

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He looks over at Sarawat who was seated beside him at the dinner table. If Tine was trying to hide his discomfort, Sarawat was framing his and putting it on public display.

Unlike Tine who dreamt of the limelight, Tine knew Sarawat enough to know that he did not like attention. It was blatantly obvious to everyone present that Sarawat didn't want Type there. With every loud clang of his utensils and thinly veiled scowl, Tine knew that this whole fiancés-madly-in-love ruse was falling apart.
Praya was of no help - she looked like she just wanted a lightning bolt to strike her so she could escape Sarawat's wrath.

I have to remedy this.

Tine tries to squeeze Sarawat's hand but Sarawat flinches at the sudden contact.
Realizing how bad that looked, they both glance at Type, who was now scribbling in his notepad.

This is a disaster.

Tine slowly leans over to the man beside him. "Wat," he whispers, hoping he sounded calming.

Sarawat turns towards him. Tine inches closer and whispers even more softly now. "May I kiss you?"

Sarawat looks at him like he has lost his mind.

"Type is a pretty well known reporter and I don't think those are nice things he's writing about us right now. We need to save this dinner. Do I have your permission to kiss you?" Tine hurriedly whispers back, hoping Type could not catch anything he was saying.

Thankfully, Sarawat gives a small nod.

Swallowing all of his nerves, Tine smiles at Sarawat in what he hoped was a flirtatious manner. He tucks a strand of Sarawat's hair behind his ear. Then slowly and ever so gently, he presses his lips on Sarawat's soft cheeks. His lips barely a millimeter away from the curve of Sarawat's mouth.

Tine then pulls away and brings his attention back to the chicken on his plate. Except, he has seemed to lose all focus, his whole body tingling with that millisecond of contact. His heart was somersaulting from his chest to his tummy and back. While his intestines seemed to be twisting in knots.

How absolutely stupid, it was just a quick peck on the cheek. Grandmothers do that, Tine. It's not a fucking big deal. Let's get it under control.

But as he was berating himself, Sarawat leans over. Tine's heart stops in mid-air as Sarawat says: "Can I have two?"

Tine blinks. He feels faint. Part of him wanted to run away. But Type was looking so he had to put on his big boy shoes and do what needs to be done.

Tine turns to Sarawat. He lets his fingers brush Sarawat's forehead ever so lightly. "Of course, you can have two."

Tine then closes the gap between their lips. He closes his eyes, savoring the salty sweetness of Sarawat's mouth and very quickly pulls away.

When he opens his eyes, he sees blood rush to the tips of Sarawat's ears. Sarawat clears his throat and then points to the platter near Tine. "I was wondering if you could pass me two croquetas..."

It was really a blessing that Tine laughed whenever he felt awkward and boy was he laughing now. He laughed even as he passed the meatballs to Sarawat, he laughed as he sliced his own food, and if it were possible, he would have kept laughing as he shoved food into his own mouth. Ai Sarawat!

But he had to admit, it was much more relaxed between him and Wat after that unexpected second kiss. There were no more tantrums and badly concealed death glares. There were even times when Sarawat would briefly hold Tine's hand - they were moments so fleeting that Tine wasn't even sure if Sarawat was aware he was doing it.

It was almost as if Type wasn't there.

"What is the theme of the wedding?"

But the reality was, of course, that Type was there.

Tine smiles sweetly. This time around,
he has come ready with the answers from Praya's binder. "It's not really a theme but a color. It will be shades of green. We were looking at maybe jade and forest green."

Type smirks. "Green is Jandi Yue's favorite color. Are you sure this is what you want Tine Iamkajorn? Not Sarawat's team recycling wedding decor Jandi chose?"

I guess I have to start cyberstalking Jandi. My God, why is this fake relationship so complicated? Tine sighs, wishing he was back in the theater, falling asleep on Wat's broad shoulders. He smiles at the memory of waking up with his face pressed against the crook of Wat's neck, Wat's hand playing with his hair...

"No answer then?"

Praya is about to jump in but Tine beats her to it.

"I am not aware of Jandi's favorites. I don't really know her and I don't think it's healthy to stalk the exes of my fiancé.

Green is also my favorite color. I am sure it's the favorite color of billions of other people."

Type doesn't back down. "You have to forgive my skepticism. You also have to be aware of the rumors surrounding you. After all, you came out of nowhere and quick research shows you are a down-on-your-luck actor."

Out of the corner of his eye, Tine could see Sarawat about to pounce. He puts a hand on his arm, silently asking him to calm down.

Tine smiles again at the nosy reporter. "I didn't come from nowhere, I come from Bangkok. I could give you my family's home address but I don't think my father would be very happy to see you. As for the rumors? I don't really care." He turns to Sarawat, this was supposed to be part of his performance for Type. But as soon as Tine's eyes meet Wat's, all pretense fades away. He almost forgets he's answering a question.

"Wat is wonderful. He listens to me, he never judges or belittles me, he seems stoic and harsh but he's all marshmallow inside. Doesn't hurt that he's also hot as fuck."

Praya chokes on the wine she was sipping and Sarawat turns crimson. How is he even hotter when he's tomato red?

Tine squeezes Sarawat's hand, this time no one flinches away.

From across the table, Type clears his throat loudly. He was hard to read, Tine didn't know if he bought any of it.

"After dinner, may I have a tour of the lucky couple's bedroom? Also, may I see where my room tonight will be?"

Wait. Tour of the couple's bedroom??

"You want to see their room?," Praya squeaks.

"You said all-access, Praya."

"Of course! But let's have dessert first."

Sarawat is back to being tense and wooden. Tine was trying to eat away his panic.

Couple's room? We have to share a room?!

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