Chapter 11: Sarawat

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Why is there so much smoke?
Sarawat eyes the restaurant warily. Was this really a steak place? Do people here even know what steak actually is?

But all his apprehension could not dampen the excitement of the man standing beside him. Tine was bouncing off the walls, like a kid let loose in a candy store.

And despite Lakeshore being the last place Sarawat would have ever chosen to eat ever, he cannot help but smile.

He has been fighting the smiles Tine always seemed to illicit from him but it was getting more and more apparent that he was going to lose every fight.

Sarawat still has to try though. Because Tine wasn't here because he liked Sarawat. He was here because he needed to make ends meet and Sarawat's offer had been rather generous. Tine saw Sarawat as a job, a boss - nothing more.

It would be stupid of Sarawat to read more into Tine's actions.

Not that it stopped Sarawat from losing sleep over that extremely public display of affection.

He tossed and turned last night, trying to scrub his brain clean of the memory of Tine running in his direction, concern shining bright in his eyes...

trying to forget how his breath hitched when Tine asked if he could kiss him...

forget how firm and warm Tine's tongue felt between Sarawat's lips...

forget how those thighs felt grazing his hips, losing himself in the desire to have them wrap around him tighter...

Sarawat massages his temples. He has got to get a grip of himself.

Maybe this was just touch deprivation? He remembers Praya showing him an article about it before and -

"Earth to Wat!"

Sarawat snaps to attention to find Tine smiling at him as he poured a disgusting amount of gravy on a piece of steak that was well beyond well-done.

I cannot possibly be truly attracted to a man who eats whatever that's supposed to be.

Tine laughs, snapping Bright out of his thoughts for the second time.

"You look like this steak offended your family and ancestors," Tine teases as he starts cutting the meat into slices.

"I think calling that a steak is offensive to my family and ancestors. My grandfather used to be a chef, you know."

Sarawat was trying to be funny but he sees Tine's face crumple. "Are you sure you're okay to have breakfast here?"

"I keep my promises, Tine."

"Even if they kill you?," Tine asks, looking up at Sarawat, lips in a small pout. He's trying to sound like he's joking but Sarawat could hear the edge of insecurity.

He didn't want Tine to feel that way about something that makes him so happy. If he likes charred meat swimming in brown sauce, then Sarawat would gladly give him charred meat in brown sauce. He'd eat it with him every day if Tine wanted.

He is taken aback by his own compulsions.

I would do that? But why? What is it about Tine?

It worries Sarawat how easily Tine tore away the walls he's built around himself. It's as if Tine has found a secret doorway that opens just for him. And here he was again, poking at all the soft places Sarawat thought he had hidden from everyone.

"Are you saying this date might kill you?," Tine teases.

All of Sarawat's internal organs leap to his throat. "Date?"

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