Chapter 6 : Sarawat

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What the hell am I thinking? What am I doing? Did I really just propose to some random stranger in a bar?

Sarawat closes his eyes for a second as his chauffeur drove the Mercedes into the basement parking of the L'Cohol building.

Self-doubt was not something he experienced often but this whole fake engagement predicament has been eating away at him.

Praya of course has been working overtime to vet Tine Iamkajorn and
had a team preparing anything he would need for the slew of public appearances they'd be expected to make but still 24 hours was barely enough time to make sure Tine wasn't some serial killer.

I doubt serial killers have such adorable smiles. Sarawat almost grinned at the memory of those half moon eyes and baby pink lips. Almost. He caught himself at the last minute.

What in the absolute hell was wrong with him? He had to get his head on straight. This was nothing but a business arrangement. A situation he'd have to endure so that MJ could not steal his company away.

But as Sarawat walked into the extremely elaborately decorated balcony (Praya went overboard. What is this, a prom?) and found Tine giggling like a child as his touch made the lights change color - Sarawat found himself smiling again. It felt so weird because he rarely felt his lips stretch quite so widely upwards and for so long a time.

What the hell am I thinking?, he asks himself for the hundredth time. But then the sky fills with giant bursts of glittery light and all his doubts were replaced by an inner voice commanding him to get closer to Tine so that he could see those golden flecks reflected in Tine's eyes.
For business purposes. Of course. Sarawat was here only for business.

- - -
Sarawat was no stranger to the limelight. His looks drew an inordinate amount of attention from childhood before his wealth as an adult did. In fact, in college there would be a group of frankly distressing high schoolers who would follow him all over campus solely because they thought he was handsome.

As a young and (he finds it useless to even try denying it) attractive CEO - he was constantly photographed and asked inane questions that had nothing to do with his work. It was tiresome but he was used to it.

But tonight in front of a small, handpicked group of journalists, he felt none of the usual nonchalance. He was very tense. This was an area he was very unskilled at - showing proper emotion. Especially when that emotion was love.

Yes, he had been dating Jandi Yue but she usually took care of the spotlight when they were together - she would hang on to his arms dressed head to toe in some jaw-dropping dress while she answered all the questions and absorbed all the attention.

He wondered sometimes if he ever loved her or if they worked simply because they understood each other's worlds so well.

In any case, here he was now, announcing his engagement, standing as stiff as a board, four feet away from the man he supposedly wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He felt his jaw tighten, a stress headache started to form on the base of his neck. He was going to lose everything he had worked so hard for, wasn't he? This was a terrible plan.

But before he could wallow in despair, he
feels two arms circle his shoulders from behind him, drawing him close to a warm muscular chest. Then a chin rests on his right shoulder.

Sarawat turns his head and finds Tine's cheek an inch away from him. If it were any other day, Sarawat would feel affronted - who was this almost stranger invading his personal space. But at this moment, all Sarawat felt was relief and gratitude.

Tine turns sideways and now they were eye to eye

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Tine turns sideways and now they were eye to eye. Tine grins at Sarawat, those eyes disappearing once more into crescents and those cheeks puffing up to hide his angular cheekbones. Sarawat forgets to think. Forgets to worry. Forgets to breathe.

Tine gives him a shy smile and starts moving away. And he doesn't know what exactly possesses him but Sarawat catches Tine's left hand before he can fully pull away. Tine takes it as a cue to come closer, this time letting his right arm encircle Sarawat's hip.

It takes a moment before Sarawat remembers they were doing a press conference. It didn't seem to matter where his attention was though since cameras were going off left and right. From a short distance, he could see a very impressed and mildly confused Praya give him a thumbs up.

Several minutes pass before the ruckus dies down and the reporters finally settle in their seats. Sarawat and Tine take their seats too, facing the reporters.

There is a moment of silence before the questions start coming in.

The first was one Sarawat had prepared for.

"What happened to Jandi? Thailand assumed you were proposing to your girlfriend of two years?"

Sarawat follows his script: "Jandi and I loved each other but we grew apart. We remain good friends and I am certain she will be happy for me once she hears of the news."

The second question was also expected but it still annoyed Sarawat. How much trouble was his ex going to cause him?

"Jandi allegedly approached reporters to claim that you have been an emotionally distant and unfaithful lover during your relationship with her. Is this true?"

"I am certain Jandi did no such thing. She is a smart and dignified woman who knows better than to commit slander."

The next question was not at all part of any briefing Sarawat received. Boris almost hauled the reporter out of the venue but Praya stopped him.

"So this isn't your mistress who's with you tonight? Or is it called manstress?"

Sarawat feels a rage he hasn't felt in years burn in his veins. The cool and detached demeanor he had perfected fails him. He is immediately on his feet, finger pointing at the reporter.

"You should be thankful that unlike you, I am a man of restraint. But disrespect my fiancé ever again and I assure you, I will not hold back."

Sarawat points to the door. "You may leave. Or I will make you."

All eyes shift to the reporter who shakily grabs his things and almost runs to the exit.

Sarawat looks back at the other reporters. "I plan to spend the rest of my life with Tine Iamkajorn. He will get the same respect you give me. I hope that is clear."

Silence stretches on as Sarawat sits back down. His face was once again an emotionless mask but deep inside he was wondering where the hell that outburst came from. Why was he feeling so protective?

He lets himself steal a glance at Tine's direction. Tine looks at him and mouths a silent thank you. Then Tine reaches over and squeezes Sarawat's knee.

That's all it takes for Sarawat to be overcome with that same impulse - he would wage war for Tine.

Sarawat keeps staring at the man beside him, finally accepting that he has no idea what the hell he is doing and more scarily what the hell he's feeling.

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