19~My Vampire Heart

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I stare at Elijah, Daniel, Stefan, and the others. Since turning only moments ago, my feelings for the three have grown. The pain I felt of Stefan and Elijah's betrayals hurt tenfold. But the worst pain of all was that I had felt of losing everything I loved when I was human.

Daniel's hand is held over the wolf bite. It's severely infected by now. I don't know if I want Klaus to heal him or let him die.

"We can help you, you know." Elena said in a soft voice. She reached out and grasped my hand in hers. I remembered when she and Caroline first turned.

"Davina, love, would you mind giving up some of your blood for Libby to feed on?" Klaus asked. I glared at him.

"It's your fault I'm like this. And I refuse to feed off of Davina. In fact, someone take her home. Marcel will have my head for all I've done to her." I hissed.

"He'll do nothing to harm you." Elijah said, reaching out to touch me. I turn my glare on him. He stops, retracting his hand to his lap.

"Do you even want to go through with it?" Damon asks. His ice blue eyes look bored.

"No." I sigh, looking down. I've wanted to die so much in the past several months. It would be great to do it now.

"Please, Libby..." Stefan begs.

I hear footsteps, and I see four important people. Bonnie and Kayla are the first I see, and my stomach growls as my nose catches a whiff of their blood. Jesse and Chase are next to appear.

"Jesse!" I nearly choke on my own sob, watching as he kneels in front of me. His normally determined face shows pain and sadness.

"I'm so sorry...." He mutters. Tears drip from his pain eyes and my heart aches.

I hug him tightly, sobbing. He hugs me back, something he rarely does. When we let go, I feel a pang in my chest as I realize, just as I get him back, I lose him again.

"I want to go through with it..." I mutter. If I go through with it, I can be with my friends again. I can live eternally young, which was something I had honestly always wanted.

"Pick one of your witchy friends, or the hunter, to feed on." Klaus says, leaning against a tree. As I look at him, I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

"I'll do it." Chase offers. He tilts his head back, leaning close. Despite my hunger, I begin to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Stefan asks, looking seriously confused.

"I can't do it.... It's so weird! I've known him forever and I can't just put my lips to his neck!" My laughter is loud and genuine, causing Chase, Jesse, and Kayla to join in.

"Oh boy...." Damon says, rolling his cool eyes. My laughter dies down and the hunger replaces it.

My pupils dilate and blood rushes to the gray veins that form underneath my blue-green eyes. I lunge foreward, biting into the pale skin on Chase's neck. As I do, I recall a memory of when we were little, when I accidentally shot him in the neck with an arrow with the tip cut. It bounced off, but tore a bit of skin. I had felt terrible, but I didn't now.

I drew back, tearing into a vein in my own wrist. I shove it towards him, and he simply drinks a few drops. Both wounds heal, and we grin at each other, as if in on some secret inside joke.

"Maybe you should come back to Mystic Falls for some training." Caroline suggests. A look of eagerness crosses her face. I couldn't deny her.

"She should remain here. I can teach her all the same things you could, if not more." Elijah said. I look at him, feeling a very sexual urge. I shake my head to fight it off.

"Elijah's right," I say, though I would rather be in the care of Stefan and the others. "He's been around longer. Besides, it's time we work through our differences."

Elijah smiles at me. I lean over and kiss his cheek, then dart back, eyes wild. I snap my head towards Daniel, but I don't see him.

"Where did Daniel go?!" I panic. I look from side to side, frantically searching for him. He is no where in sight.

"He's gone, love." Klaus said. "Probably off to die alone."

I frown. I don't want him to die, much less die alone. I should find him, stay with him until he dies.

"I'll meet you back at the compound." I say. I then stand on my feet and take off, hoping to find the Doppelganger before it's too late.

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