Adevntures of SpiderMan and SpiderBaby

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Teenagedom came and went for Becca, Peter and their friends

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Teenagedom came and went for Becca, Peter and their friends. College life and beginning new lifestyles became the focus for the group. They still stuck together but they quickly realized that college coursework was vastly different from highschool. But they still made it work. Peter and Becca ended up going to NYU, it was a huge relief for them to go to college together. Especially when Peter wanted to marry Becca.

He planned it for about four months. The one piece that took so long was getting Bucky's permission. That was something Becca always wanted, something old fashioned. It meant a lot to her if Peter would ask her parents, just like Bucky would've had Sarah been alive. Or even if they were in Brooklyn. Bucky would've gone to Sarah's gravestone and asked her there.

Old fashioned was Becca's culture in a way. She adored the new age music and way of life, but her family was ingrained in old fashioned. And she loved it.

Peter asked Becca to marry him at the top of the Brooklyn bridge.

The bridge that connected her parents past, to her future.
Her future with Peter.

He first caught her attention by writing I Love You in webbing on the Brooklyn Bridge. She always tried to walk in view of it on her way home from classes. Peter always wanted to walk her home, but sometimes he would be patrolling.

The moment she saw it. It brought her to tears and within seconds she was swept off her feet and in the air. Her beloved webslinger taking her somewhere private. Peter's entire life in his arms.

"Benji-" He took his mask off and stared at her crystal blue eyes. He shook his head as he breathed out slowly, trying to maintain his composure.

"Your dad finally gave his permission." Peter tells Becca, "Reluctantly, i think... but- but that's besides the point... the fact is... i finally..." He breathes out shakily and looks at her again, he knew everything he ever wanted was in front of him. "I finally get to ask you this."

"Ask me what?" Becca asks with a nervous giggle. She was watching him but taking in the sights as they stood on top of the Brooklyn Bridge. She hadn't ever been on top of it before and the sights were incredible as the sun was setting.

When she looked back at Peter, he was holding up her mother's ring on one knee. "Fia... my flower..." Peter begins and quickly tries to blink back tears. "Will you... will you take another leap of faith with me? By becoming my wife?" Peter asks with a hopeful smile.

Becca was in shock. Her gloved hands covered her mouth, "Peter..." She whispered breathlessly. "You really got Papa's permission?" She asks with an anxious laugh.

Peter nodded with a smile, "Took four months." He tells her and she genuinely laughs, her head is thrown back as she tries to picture Peter asking her father.

She wiped the underneath of her eyes as she knelt down onto her knees in front of Peter and stared at her mother's ring. "Mama's ring..." She whispers in awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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