Chapter 40

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Ryujin's POV

Today is 10th of August, days after I found out everything. Sol and Sohee were indeed together. Yuna was indeed mad at me because she loved Yeji and Yeji suffered a lot because of me.

I know Yeji's not gonna leave yet. If she believes in everything then I do believe in miracle, and miracles can happen.

"Yeji, let's watch the horizon together." I said with a smile on my face.

I'm wearing a casual clothes, just enough for me to feel the breeze of the ocean, just enough for me to feel the heat of the sun later. I can smell the sweet fragrance of my perfume too.

What's important is—I have a fake tattoo of sunset on my wrist and a sketchbook on my hand.

"You're afraid of the ocean," Yeji responded after having a deep thought while staring at me.

"But the bus driver will be waiting for us at the bus stop, won't you pity him if he waits for long?" I lend my hand for her to hold.

Please...let's walk to the bus stop together.

Yeji stares at me for long and her expression clearly tells the answer, "Mom told me to stay at home for today." she stated.

"I know that Sohee's not dead and she's dating Sol." I said which led to the change of expression on her face, "I know they did that so you won't feel heartbroken because you found out that I was dating Lia already. I was mad at first but until when? Because I know—I was glad when I first found out that you like me too." I stated without mentioning her cancer.

"You don't have amnesia, do you? How can you pretend not to remember those memories we shared together? Those are just few memories...we cherished it together, didn't we?" even my arm is getting numb while waiting for her to hold it, I'm sure I won't take it back.

Liquid forms in Yeji's eyes but I remained standing with my hand still asking for her to hold it, "Yeji...if only I was brave enough to tell you that I admire you, maybe, just maybe we could've been more than just an oblivious souls. Yeji, maybe I joined you for long at the bus stop and rode the bus with you a thousand times. Maybe this won't be the second time we'll be riding the bus stop—this could've been the hundreds or thousand time." I cried so hard for the past few days that's why I'm gonna try my best not to cry in front of her and make her feel that I've never known about her situation. I'm gonna make her feel that we'll be living for long and watch the young golden bell tree on the sidewalk as they get old one by one.

My hand was taken aback when Yeji immediately hugged me. The hug where her arms are tightly wrap around my back, where her face buries on the side of my head when I can clearly hear her sniffs—a hug I never know I needed.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I couldn't remember much of our memories now..."

I gently cups her head together with the racing teardrops down my cheeks. Yeji don't have an amnesia but she's suffering from something that can cause her death anytime, something that took most of her memories away.

"It's fine if you can't remember it all. At least you can still remember all the feelings you've had at those forgotten moments, right?" I asked and let out a smile when Yeji nods.

It's fine Yeji. You've remembered so well back in the days. It's my time to remember it for the rest of our lives as long as you'll stay by my side.

"Let's go, we need to arrive at the bus stop before our bus. Make sure to watch the golden bell trees on our way especially the old tree huh? Let's go and see how it'd grow even more in the near future." I cups her cheeks while wiping her flowing tears with my thumb, "Stop crying'll make me cry too. What matter is everythings clear now. I dated Lia because I got no one to depend on but Yeji, you've always had my heart." it's funny how I tiptoes to kiss her head but it doesn't matter anyway, it's the most romantic thing I could ever do for now.

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