Chapter 24

697 63 53

July 24, 2021

Every people has their own skies and every people has different color of skies. Could be that the color of their skies naturally occurred or it could be painted. And mine? It was naturally colored since I was a kid because of my loving family, not until someone painted my sky.

I learned about painted skies from the one and only, Yeji.

The maids greeted us with a warm smile when they saw us approaching. It's been a long while since I visited my home. I moved out when I was 16 or 15 to study abroad. That's why I can really say that it's been a while since I last breathed here in my very own home.

"Ryujin baby!" Mom stopped talking to one of our maids the moment she saw me, " little demon is all grown up." she says as she caresses my face which made me give in a little smile.

"Mommy, not in front of my girlfriend please?" I held Lia's hand tight, ears heating up because I can see her mischievous smile from my peripheral vision.

"I-Is she?" Mom pointed Lia so I nodded. Mom's facial expression changed, wearing her bright smile while looking at my girlfriend and gladly offering her right hand for a shake hands, "It's nice to finally meet you, pretty lady. Ryujin mentioned you to me but I didn't know that the girlfriend she's talking is this beautiful." she said with a chuckle.

Lia parted our hands to hold mom's hand with both her hands, chuckling, showing her pretty eyesmile. "Too many people getting crazy over your daughter abroad so it's a tie, aunt."

"Well, she got the genes," then, Mom winks at Lia. I sneered and pulled Lia with me.

"Tell the maids to bring our things in my room. Lia's going to stay here." I said, bringing my feet upstairs to finally see my old room again. I'm sure Mom kept it clean and still 'habitable'.

"Not at you walking away when I'm still talking to your girlfriend. No more milk before you sleep!" Mom added that's why I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. But eventhough Mom speaks like that, I know she's still in deep pain.

Weeks just passed since my older sister left us. She met an accident on the road and didn't survive, the reason why I came back here. I know that Mom needs me even just for a meantime.

"What do you think? Can you stay here for 2 months?" I asked, opening the window of my room to accept the ray of sunlight.

"Of course, Ryu. I told you I was only 10 years old when we left my home country and now I'm glad that I'm finally back." Lia responded as she sits on my bed.

I check my closet and drawers, the clothes I chose to left are still here but I don't know if I can still wear it all.

"I'll go out for a minute, okay? I'm gonna talk to Mom about something." I said and Lia hesitantly nodded. I looked at her once more and smiled before going out of my room.

It's a bit hassle to talk with Mom when Lia's around because everything's getting awkward. Even just by looking around I felt awkward when she's with me.

My eyes averted downstairs where I'm hearing my Mom, she's talking with the maids, probably talking about the adjustments for us. Because of that, I toured my eyes around and stop by on a door next to my room. It has a hanging keychain of electric guitar. It's a very familiar room for me because I used to sneak inside at night to sleep with the coolest person I knew. I used to go in there and watch her practicing guitar.

Good old memories indeed...

I twisted the door knob in the hope of unlocking her room and I succeeded. I couldn't believe she was here weeks ago.

Summer Of August || RYEJIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora