Fives is unsupervised

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Echo: who's ready for the concert

Hardcase: ME!

Jesse: yeah me to

Kix: So how long is it till rex gets here

Echo: about 5 minutes

Kix: okay

rex comes into the room 5 minutes later

 Rex: Hey I'm back everyone ready 

Everyone: yes

Rex: okay lets go

At the concert

Echo: *yelling* I feel like we forgot something

Rex: *yelling back* its probably not important

Echo: you're right

meanwhile at the barracks

Fives: Hey I'm ready for the concert

Fives: hello

Fives: they left me again

Fives: welp I'mma make pasta

 At the concert

 Jesse: has anyone seen Fives

Hardcase: I have not 

Echo: Shit

Rex: We left fives at the barracks unsupervised

They leave to get fives immediately 

When they get back Fives is standing outside looking very scared

 Rex: What did you do 

Fives: the kitchen is on fire 

Echo: We were gone for five minutes how did you already start a fire

Fives: I was trying to make pasta

Rex: How did you start a fire making pasta

Fives: *panicked* I DON'T KNOW

Rex: its probably spreading really fast so lets get it put out 

 they get the fire out 

 Rex: How did the fire start 

Fives something caught on fire and I Panicked 

Echo: you're an idiot

hey its been awhile I wrote this in my science class. comment any story ideas for me

                                                                                                                                                      Shadow out!

                                                                                                                                                      Shadow out!

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