Power Out

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Fives: why is it so dark in here

Obi-Wan: the power is out

Tup: when will it come back on

Dogma: are you scared

Tup: no I just can't see any thing

Rex: put your helmet on and turn on the night vision

Tup: good idea

Ahsoka: says the one who just hit their head off a pole

Anakin: 😂

Rex: hey it's not my fault the power went out and I couldn't see

Anakin: excuses, excuses


Echo: Ahhh

Fives: 😂🤣

Echo: fives did you have to scare me

Fives: yes I did

Anakin: what did you do

Fives: it's dark so I quietly walked up behind him and gave him a jump scare

Ahsoka: Anakin don't even attempt that with me

Anakin: I know. I would get seriously injured if I did

Rex: what are supposed to do while the powers out

Dogma: hide from fives

Obi-Wan: we could go outside

Anakin: nahh we should have a prank war

Ahsoka: or play hide and seek

Fives: I vote prank wars

Dogma: I vote hide and seek

Echo: hide and seek

Hardcase: I vote hide and seek

Rex: same

Obi-Wan: I suppose I'll play hide and seek

Ahsoka: who's seeking first

Fives: I will

Ahsoka: ok count to 60

Fives: ok

Fives counts to 60

Fives: ready or not here I come

Anakin: you'll never find us

Fives: you're in the vents

Anakin: how'd you know

Fives: I heard you

Fives: and I'm betting echo is in the library

Anakin: why do you say that

Fives: because he thinks I'd never look for him there

Fives and Anakin go to the library

Fives: found you echo

Echo: how

Fives: you're a book worm

Echo: good point

Fives: now do either of you know where the others are

Echo: check the kitchen Hardcase loves food

Fives: good point

Fives goes to the kitchen

Fives: okay I've checked everywhere in here nobody's here

Echo: weird

Anakin: what about the vents

Fives: checked

Anakin: guys I think I heard something in the hall

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