Snow Day

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Fives: what's all this white stuff

Echo: I believe that's called snow

Hardcase: what's snow

Echo: it's what happens when it cold outside

Fives: that doesn't make any sense

Echo: it's allot like frozen rain

Hardcase: that makes sense... Kinda


Anakin: Why

Ahsoka: Because it brings cold

Rex: yeah it's freezing out here

Anakin: it's not cold

Rex: are you crazy

Anakin: does anyone ever say yes to that question

Ahsoka: idk but it's still freezing I'm going back inside

Pademe: it's pretty though

Pademe: it's pretty though

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Obi-Wan: indeed it is

Ahsoka: I have to admit it is gorgeous

Obi-Wan: it is also the perfect time to drink warm tea

Satine: indeed

Fives: Ahhh Hardcase why did you throw that at me

Hardcase: because I felt like it

Jesse: no snow in the ship

Anakin: ugh 🙄 fine

Jesse: I mean it

Kix: I don't feel like fixing you guys up cause you slipped and broke something

Obi-Wan: go have a snowball fight outside

Hardcase: yay

Fives: who's all in this snowball fight

Hardcase: me

Anakin: let's do this

Ahsoka: nope

Rex: no way

Cody: I'm out

Obi-Wan: me to

Boil: I'm in

Waxer: this will be fun

Tup: nope to cold

Dogma: you're just scared to do it

Tup: am not

Dogma: I'll do it

Fives: sweet

After they have the snowball fight

Fives: I'm so cold

Echo: yeah that tends to happen when your in the snow for an hour

Anakin: I have icicles on my eyelashes

Ahsoka: hey I made you guys hot cocoa

Hardcase: yay

Dogma: thank you

Anakin: I'm so glad your my Padawan

Ahsoka: of course you are🙄

Fives: this is really good Commander

Ahsoka: thank you

Anakin: ah I bit my tongue


Anakin: 😑

Rex: can I get some cocoa Commander

Ahsoka: yeah it'll be a minute

Heyy I got this idea while on a bus trip to basketball tournaments so I hope you enjoyed. There is snow on the ground which gave me the idea. I have to play band so that fun. Anyways I got to go

I'mma make a copy of this for homec class

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I'mma make a copy of this for homec class

I'mma make a copy of this for homec class

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