Prank Wars continued

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On the 501st chat

Rex: you have got to clean your room sir the smell is starting to spread through the whole ship

Fives: I just switched out all of Obi-Wan's tea with random spices

Anakin: good going fives

Obi-Wan in the distance: FIVES I'M GOING TO KILL YOU

Fives: I got to go

Echo: hide in the library no will think about looking for you there

Fives (on the run): thanks echo

Anakin: welp he's dead

Jesse: let's watch the 212th's reaction to the post it notes on the walls and the cups of water all over the floor

Ahsoka: how long did that take you

Jesse: all kriffing night

In the 212th chat

Cody: ugh this is going to take forever to clean up

Waxer: well it'll clean out some of the glitter and confetti

Boil: true

Cody: the general just went sprinting after Fives

Cody: who put this cookie recipe on my nightstand

Waxer: idk but you should make them after we get this cleaned up

Boil: can we use it as a slip and slide first

Cody: fine

Waxer: then boil can fly it staight up

Boil: fun with all the doors open

Waxer: yeah how else is the water gonna get out

Boil: good point

Cody: have fun. I'm gonna catch our general before he kills fives

Waxer: good idea Sir

On the Jedi chat

Mace Windu: who filled the council room with balloons

Kit: let's just pop them with our lightsabers

Aayla: ahh there full of glitter

Plo: let's just move the rest of the balloons

Shaak Ti: there are so many though

Mace: maybe we can pop them anyway

Yoda: clean up the glitter we will have to

Mace: fine we'll have to just move the balloons to our huge attic since we don't use it

Aayla: let's do it

After about an hour

Plo: that took forever we have to prank them back

Mace: no we have to stop the pranks

Kit: fine🙄

Kit has added Anakin and Obi-Wan

Mace: you have to stop pranking people

Anakin: I don't wanna

Mace: you have to

Obi-Wan: but who won the prank wars

Mace: it doesn't matter

Anakin: yes it does

Mace: fine who had the last prank

Obi-Wan: Anakin did

Mace:  then he won

Obi-Wan: this isn't over Anakin

Anakin: it is and I won

On the 501st chat

Anakin: we won the prank war everyone

Fives: yes

Ahsoka: how did that happen

Anakin: Mace Windu said we couldn't have a prank war

Ahsoka: that sucks but it's a good thing to

On the 212th chat

Cody: now that tends prank war is over I can make cookies

Waxer: yay

Boil: how long will they be

Cody: idk

A few moments later

Cody: cookies are done

Waxer: these taste terrible

Boil: yeah 🤢

Cody: I think this recipe was a prank

Waxer: no you just cooked it wrong🙄

Cody: you think so

Waxer: no you idiot it was a prank!

On the 501st chat

Anakin: okay who did the shaving cream prank with me

Ahsoka: I was asleep till you texted

Rex: I was doing paperwork

Anakin: the prank wars are over
so Fess up

Fives: it wasn't me this time

Anakin: I'mma get to the bottom of this

Meanwhile with Mace Windu
Mace: no one will suspect it was me who pranked Skywalker 😏

Thank you for reading I think this is the end of my prank wars. Thanks for all the support and all the great ideas so far

Shadow out

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