You proved yourself a leader worth following. You proved that you are so much more than what anyone needs you to be, and you achieved all of that by just being your amazing self without even trying. So imagine what you could accomplish when you really put your mind to it. And even if it does take us a while to get the swing of it, who cares? We have an eternity to make a difference and learn. But I don't think it will take us too long."

I can't help but stare at him in astonishment. My breath caught in the back of my throat as more tears fall. Well, shit.

There is nothing I could say to compare to that, so I do the one thing that my instincts tell me to. I lunge forward and catch his lips with my own, kissing him with all the love, desperation and gratitude I feel towards him, and he returns it with just as much vigour.

I really can do this. With Dimitri by my side, I can do anything.

Hearing someone clear their throats, we pull away from each other and look in the direction of the interruption, only to see everyone trying to avert their eyes away from us.

"Should we leave you two alone and come back later or what?" Eddie asks, looking very uncomfortably at the ground.

"No." I say, at the exact time as Dimitri says, "Yes." With a smirk on his face and his arms making their way around my waist. I tap his hands away and elbow him slightly in the ribs before focusing my attention back onto our family and clearing my throat.

"No. It's fine. We will have time for ourselves later." I emphasise my point by sending Dimitri a knowing look, causing him to grin and remove his hands from me, much to my chagrin.

I expect to have a lot of fun later, but for right now, there are things I need to know.

"Anyway. Moving along. What's happened since the battle, other than what you've already told us? And when can we get out of here? I'm starving." I whine dramatically, making everyone chuckle and turn their full attention back onto Dimitri and me, seeing as we are no longer in a compromising position.

"When aren't you hungry, Rosie?" Christian asks with a sigh as he observes me with a strange expression on his face, causing me to scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion. "Are you alright, Chris?" Worry was evident in my voice, making everyone look between us in their own state of bewilderment.

Christian looks at me, then at Dimitri, that unidentified emotion still present on his face. "Yeah. I think I am. it's just." His voice is quiet and reserved, something I'm not used to when it comes to him.

"It's just what? You're not having side effects from the blood, are you?" I ask, not even knowing what they could be if he were. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with him.

He just shakes his head slowly, but doesn't elaborate.

Turning towards Ed and Lissa, I show them my concern. "How long has he been like this?"

"He's been quiet since you were both carried back. He's just stayed outside your room the whole time." Lissa explains, looking as confused as I feel.

Focusing my attention back on my brother, he looks fine. He doesn't have any visible injuries, and he seems healthy, a little sleep deprived maybe, but other than that, fine.

"Chris? What is it? Your starting to scare me."

Did my blood have some sort of reaction? Have I broken Christian?

I feel Dimitri's hand move to rub my arm soothingly, but it only helps slightly.

"I felt it." Christian finally says, but his voice is quiet and sad.

You, Me and the shadow (Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now