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Eshana's POV:

As it was almost dark and the beautiful moon peaked through the clouds, I sat next to my window as the guilt was written all over my face. I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't help myself. I was afraid to face the truth, afraid that I'd fall in love. But certain someone told me something that had me realize.


"Bhai, I'm so happy that you're finally back home! Go freshen up, until then I'll prepare something for you." I began rambling as I barged into his room which startled him and he turn around to look at me as I continued to question him.

"What do you want? Coffee or juice? No wait, I'll prepare cold juice since you had a long journey. What else do you want? Do you want something to eat? I guess you want-" And he cut me off,

"-a hug" is all he said which had me staring at him with a confused look on my face.

"Huh? What?" I asked before I realized what he meant. I ran towards him and hugged him as tight as I could as though I'm afraid that if I let him go, he would disappear. And finally, I felt content, I felt home.

After a while, we pulled apart and he caught my hand,

"Before anything, we need to complete the task I'm here for. We need to talk to our family about canceling your marriage" He said sternly as he held my hand and took me downstairs but all I could think was that my brother whom I had been waiting for 3 years is finally back, just to save me from the life I loathed.

I know his boss gave him a vacation for a week but deep down I knew that my brother always wished to return home soon but there was no choice since he's the pillar of our family. He has to work hard and sacrifice to keep our company and our family strong.

Before choosing to take over dad's company, he first chose to work in a topmost company around the world. Though I hate the thought of him being away from me, I'll always be proud of him.

As I shook my thoughts away, I realized that we already reached the living room. I notice that there is everyone including my brother Shreyas, uncle, aunt, and my cousins Priyanka, Vivaan, and Ayaan. That's when I knew it is time, it is finally time to talk to our family about it.

I saw the look on our parents' faces before looking at my brother who was already looking at me with a weird smile that said 'you do the talking, I'll back you up'.

No matter how people fear my brother, he's still a feared cat in the eyes of my parents.

"Ahem. Mom! Dad! Bhaiya wants to say something" I said and took a step back not before smirking at my brother who widened his eyes at me.

"Oh? Amar, what's it?" My dad asked as he stared down at my brother.

"Um...That..I-I.." He began mumbling and was cut off by my mom.

"Amar beta? What is it? Did you find a girl for yourself?" She asked and the horrified look on my brother's face as he shut his mouth was enough for me to control myself from laughing like a maniac.

He began shaking his head as he stared at her, "What mom? Nooo! You know I don't-" And she cut him off,

"What? You know we're not getting any younger! You're about to reach 26 and you haven't found anyone yet. Are you waiting until you reach 35? By then you might only find older women." She said with an amusement look and we all began laughing so hard until someone stomped on my foot which had me stop laughing and glare at my brother.

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