Smooth as Caramel

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(Nov 3)

(Angel || Stalker|| Angel's dad)


"If you'd be a candy bar, which candy bar would you be?"

"Weird, but I love KitKat. what's up with that question?"

"hm, wanna take a break huh? well, I'm definitely smooth as caramel in snickers, angel."

"Suuure. That includes you're nuts too."

"like I said yesterday, you're a meanie! But y-"


"Eshana! Whom are you talking to?!"

"papa! I..I... It's Ridha! I'm talking to her."

"Oh. But come out of your room, your cousins are here!"

"Oh. Okay, pa!"  






"I guess y-"

"It's beautiful"

"-ou...Wait What?"

"Your name angel, It's... beautiful"



"I guess, I'll talk to you later...?"

"Sure, Eshana. I'll be waiting"






"Dammit! What is this girl doing to me? I shouldn't be thinking about- 
but her voice is so soothing. Eshana, hm... beautiful"


"Oh my Eshu! Calm down, he just said he liked your name. Why were you so nervous as though he was going to confess to you? Wait...what am I babbling! I don't even know him. What if he's some bad guy? But...he didn't sound so bad...Ohh shhh!"


Stalker changed the contact to Eshana.

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