20th January 2022

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20th January 2022

Ship- Awesamponk

Au- Royal

Idea- meow 

569 Words

It had been exactly six long... long months that the- cat had been 'welcomed' into the royal family.
Let's take a step back to when George first picked out the kitten and gave it the dumbest name (In Sam's opinion).


The Family sat gathered in the living room, Sam sitting as far away as he could from the cat, he wasn't about to risk himself and his allergies. George sat crossed legged on the floor, Quackity and Ponk surrounding him. The oldest prince held a feathered stick toy, waving it around the cat. Watching as the fluffy beast followed it. Pawing at it as it climbed on top of George's knees. 

Sam was not impressed. And it showed.

"So George..." Ponk started, holding his hand out toward the kitten. Letting it briefly sniff his hand before getting distracted again.

"Any names for your cat baby?" The king continued to ask as he watched George scoop up the kitten, George gently rocked her like a baby, booping her nose with his finger.

"I like the name Cat. I mean, its a difficult situation... it sort of fits?" George nodded, agreeing with himself.

And that's how Cat was introduced into the family.


Sam did, I emphasise on did, try and stay his distance from the cat. It was a mutual agreement. Or well it was. Until the cat turned up in random spots around the castle. Sam's spots.

First it was the sink


Sam was on his way to bed. He did his usual check of the castle, letting the staff know the next day's plans. He liked the check on the kids- yes he knew they were teenagers and they didn't need any parental supervision. But Sam felt like it was his fatherly duty to do it.

First he walked toward Quackity’s room. Opening the door and seeing that the duck-hybrid was fast asleep in his bed. his comforter lazily thrown over his tired body. That's Quackity for you.

Next was George. Once Sam had arrived at his door, he realized that it was open. Not the best sign. He did a quick scan on the room noticing nothing out of place and left. Returning the door to its close status.

Progressing over to his own room, he saw Ponk tucked up in bed. On the edge of falling asleep. And so was Sam. He just had to finish his routine.

Sam walked into the en suite. He flicked the light of, admiring himself in the mirror before noticing an off coloured object in the sink. It was that damn cat! 

"George!" Sam hollered, waking both his husband and his son in question. 

It took George a moment to get up and leave his bed. He had to look somewhat presentable just in case he encountered a servant.

"What do you want?" George muttered, slipping his glasses over his eyes, not having enough time to do it in the heat of the moment.

Sam didn't voice his opinion. He didn't need to. He pointed at the sink. At the cat who looked up at the two males in confusion with a quiet meow. 

"Is that it?" George sighed, picking up Cat, holding her safely in his arms. "Dad she's a cat. You can't expect her not to find places to hide. Leave her be." George sighed leaving the bathroom in a huff.
Maybe the chair situation is for another day-

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