4th January 2022

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4th January 2022


Ship- Feret (hint of Skephalo)

621 words

Idea- Pride in baking- if you're coming out with the cookies, ask the staff as they will give you your pride badge! (Free)
But you can buy them there

20:47-20:52 21:21- 22:14

Eret stood at the counter, a pair of tongs in one hand, a tray of decorated cookies in the other.
The sliding door of the displace case was wide open, as Eret transferred the biscuits one by one to be deplayed.

His eyes darted up toward the door, hearing the ding of the door being open. He gave a soft smile to the customer, as Eret had noticed them to be a regular. This time, they had brang their son in. 
All was fine, Eret loved the kid.

The hybrid gave a small nod to the baker, watching as Eret walked into the back, supposedly to drop off the baking tray. 

The customer held their son tightly in their arms, shifting him over to one hip. The son let out an excited squeel, pointing at a three toned cookie, colored in pink, green and blue royal icing. A small sign sat in front of the cookies resting on the glass. The note read 'Polysexual cookies'. A nod from the son signified that he may have wanted one. Good thing his parent was already getting one for himself.

Eret walked out from the back into the front of the shop. 
They gently wiped their hands back and forth over their multicolored apron. You could just about read what the apron had printed on. After all, it was old. The apron read: 'Pride In Baking. Where your local LGBTQ friends are.' A nice, sweet message. 

"Right. Sorry for the delay. What can I get you two?" Eret began, pulling a small paper bag from under the counter, holding a pair of tongs in the other. Using the tongs to open up the bag without touching it. 

"Oh no, don't worry! Sap was having a look anyway." Bad smiled, feeling Sapnap try and wiggle out of his arms. "Can I get… a Pansexual cookie… a gay pride cookie, green and blue, and-" The hybrid swiftly placed his son on the floor, crouching down next to him.

"Sap what cookie do you want?" Bad asked his son.

Sapnap hesitateded. Looking over all the colorful tasty biscuits. "That one!" Sapnap cheered, once again pointing at the Polysexual cookie. 
Bad nodded, picking Sapnap up and standing back up leaning against the counter.

"And a Polysexual cookie please, Eret." Bad smiled. "Oh and can I get a pin of each of the please."

Eret began packing up Bads order, constantly looking toward the clock… no reason for it.

The door had swung open, revealing a rather furry fox. He wore a nice black jean jacket, covered in all sorts of pin badges. One sticking out to everyone. A transgender pin. Interesting.
He slipped behind the counter, gently tapping on Erets shoulder. Eret visibly sighed, their shoulders slumping. 
"My partners going to finish your order, Bad. I gotta run some errands." Eret smiled, heading out the back.

Bads mind ran 100 miles per hour. Before Eret had left, Bad looked down at his finger, noticing a ring on his left ring finger. 
He then looked down at the servers hands, who had almost finished his order, his left hand a ring too. On the same finger.

Bad put two and two together. They must be married!

"Is that everything for you today?" The fox had pulled the demon from an odd mindset. 

"Uh… did Eret put the pins in the bag? If so that's everything."

The fox did a quick look in the bag, nodding at the customer. "That's six ninety-eight when you're ready."

Bad quickly put his card in the reader, once it had finished he took the biscuit bag from the hybrid.
"Bye!" Bad called out, heading out the shop, Sapnap slowly falling asleep in his arms.

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