12th January 2022

26 1 0

12th January 2022

Au- ???

Ship- Dreamnotfound (mentioned, Schlattity and Karlnap)

Idea- something cute

572 words

It was a cold bleak afternoon. The small family of three, consisting of George, Dream and their wild child, Tommy. Were on their way to a small date night, with two other couples. (Schlatt was bringing Tubbo, so Tommy wasn't going to get too bored being alone).

The peaceful surrounding of the roads passing them as Dream sped (going the speed limit) though the suburbs. Until an abrupt phone call blaring through George's speaker, distracted them all.

"It's Sapnap. What should I do?" George questioned, holding the phone tightly in his left hand.

That earned an eye roll from his partner, "We're not even five minutes away. What could he possibly want?" The driver sighed. "I mean, I guess you should answer it." Dream spoke, pulling into Sapnaps neighborhood.

George nodded, sliding the call button to the right, picking up Sapnaps call. "What do you want?" He asked blankly.

"That's no way to talk to your brother-in-law, Georgie!" The male on the other end snarled, "Anyways, I was wondering what time you were coming. Q and Schlatt are already here... but they dumped Tubbo on us and left. I think they might be fuc-"

He was stopped mid sentence but George. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" He spat out. "Do you forget that Quackity is my brother!? I don't really want to know what he and Schlatt get up to in their spare time!" George huffed out, as Dream pulled into their driveway. George watched as the curtain of the living room was pulled open, watching as Sanap waved at him.

"I see you!" Sapnap laughed. "Right, bye you ignorant fu-" George put the phone down on him.


George stood next to the open back door of Dream's car. "Come on Tommy, you gotta go for a nap." George spoke, unclipping the seatbelt from around his son's car seat.

"No!" The younger child shouted, making life more difficult for his father.

"Would you like me to get daddy?" George threatened, watching as Tommy rapidly shook his head. I think Tommys learnt that bringing his other father into the situation was always trouble.

"I sleep on daddy?" Tommy asked, as George picked him up, collecting Tommys bag of essentials from the floor.

"I don't see why not. Let me get you changed then you can go snuggle with him." Tommy complied with this.


Tommy ran down the stairs, dressed in his racoon onesie. He walked toward the rest of the adults, doing a little twirl for them. Dream scooped up his son, lifting him high in his arms. "Looking great buddy! Now let's get you to sleep."
Tommy agreed with a nod.

The toddler was half asleep, eyes slowly drifting into peaceful sleep, but he wasn't quite there. Not yet.
George left their temporary room. One hand had Tommy's favorite plushie, a chicken, and the other hand held a red and white checkered pacifier. Just in case Tommy was struggling to fall asleep.

He passed Cluckers to Dream, who tucked it between Tommys tiny arms.
George walked over to his son, moving a few strands of luscious blond hair away from his forehead. Giving him a soft kiss. He placed the pacifier between Tommys lips, knowing Dream would have to put it back every ten minutes.

The older, worn out, huffed, taking a seat on the couch next to his husband.

"Games anyone?" Sapnap cheered, holding a stack of both board games and digital games.

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