2nd January 2022

44 1 0

2nd January 2022

Au- ???

Ship- Schlattity 

502 words

idea- Q In a mfing maid dress-

20:50-20:53 16:00-16:40 21:21 21:35


Schlatt sat in the quiet surrounding of his dull, blank, office. 

The rapid clicking and tapping on the keyboard and mouse helped with the silence that lingered in the room. 
A Quiet hum from his computer whirring away, and the slight squeaking of his chair, being wheeled back and forth. 

If you listened close enough, you could hear someone on the end of the line of a discord call. Sounds like chaos if I'm being honest…

As all the silent noises mix together, Schlatt didn't notice, nor had the effort to hear, the doorbell go off downstairs. He quietly listened out to hear his partner, Quackity, answer the door. A quiet “Thank you.” Being heard from him too.

Schlatt slowly took off his headphones, being weary of his horns that, definitely, constantly got in the way. He ignored the protests on the other end, as he threw down his headphones onto the desk. Earning its own loud noise. 

The ram stood up from his desk, leaving his office and wandering down stairs. He walked into the mess of the living room, a discarded package thrown onto the couch, Quackity crouching down holding a hyper Tubbo, trying to escape his arms.


“And they all lived happily ever after. The end.” Schlatt finished. Closing the story book and gently placing it down on Tubbo’s bedside table. 
Schlatt took his time, admiring his son. - not creepily. I promise- Just to assure himself that Tubbo was actually sleeping peacefully. The young ram held his bee plushie tightly under his arm. Like the toy could escape from his grip.

He rose from the end of Tubbos bed, heading towards the door. He flicked the light off and left the dark room, the only light coming from Tubbo's bee night light.


The quietness was nice. just … silence. Peace.

Schlatt made his way into his (and Quackity’s) bedroom. Once again, finding that mystery beige package. 
Hearing the toilet flush, the ram picked up the parcel, feeling the bag slightly… clothing, was it?

A string of screams coming from Quackity pulled Schlatt away from the continuation of opening the package. 

“What? Are you good?” Schlatt nervously laughed, as Quackity removed the bag from Schlatts hands.
“What even is it?” Schlatt questioned, leaning back on the bed, propping himself up with some pillows.

"You'll see." Quackity grinned, taking the package, leaving and entering another room. 

Schlatt shrugged, ignoring Quackity’s… odd antics. 


It took the duck hybrid a good solid ten minutes to convince himself that this was okay. 
This was fine. 

Quackity constantly stared at his reflection in the mirror, ruffling the skirt up and down to see what looked better… neither.
He took a sharp breath in before leaving the bathroom, ready for pure embarrassment.

Quackity gave a gentle knock on an already open door, pulling Schlatts eyes away from his phone screen.

Schlatts eyes lit up. Confusion, excitement and hunger…

"Suprise?" Quackity laughed, walking over to his fiance, sitting down next to him.

-It was a maid dress-

Daily Dream SMPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें