17th January 2022

31 0 0

17th January 2022 (28th December 2021)

Ship- awesamponk

Au- ???

Idea- Someone wearing a kiss the cook apron, their partner obviously taking that and kissing them

534 Words

21:32 to 22:22


The inviting, interesting and puzzling scent of a genuine acceptable meal was wafting around the small house.

The shorter, wrapped in layers of blankets, fluffy and large.

Ponk, the male in question, rolled over, his nose twitching at the smell. He removed the fluff tucked under his small nose to get a better whiff.

He touched the empty area next to himself, trying to get a sense of the hours before his wake up call.


Sam pushed himself out of his husband's arms, wrapping Ponk's arms around a soft pillow to imitate his own body.

But of course its nothing like the same.

Sam turned around, facing his fluffy companion. He gave her a gentle head pat, slipping a pair of chequered green slippers over his abnormally large feet.

He stood up from the bed, feeling it slowly rise up from the removal of weight that was pushed on it overnight.

He looked down at his husband, just... admiring him. Looking at his perfect sleeping face next to the comfort of replacement Sam.

Pulling himself out of his quiet trance, was Fran. She slowly hit her tail against his leg.

Sam glanced down at her, pulling his finger up to his lips, shushing her and shooing her out of the room. Sam followed after her.

He stood on the other side of the door, once again staring at Ponk. Sam watched as he moved his head, looking toward the door. The shorter shook his head, putting his head back down on his pillow and drifting back into a lifeless sleep.

Sam faced the stairs landing, admiring himself in the mirror. Paying attention to the very mismatched items of clothing that he had dubbed 'pajamas'. This consisted of: a plain white tank top and some checkered pajama pants, matching his bright slippers. It was comfortable. So it was acceptable.


Ponk slid himself out of the enticing... warm... comfortable bed.

He found the closest, biggest hoodie in arms reach. Slipping the absurd amount of fabric over his miniscule body, letting the fabric drape to his mid thighs.

He tightly pulled the hood over his head, keeping his hair covered... and parts of his vision.

He threw his hands into the large front pocket, messing with each other while in there.

Ponk opened up the bedroom door, the scent of bacon getting stronger by the second.

The hooded man stumbled his way down the stairs, letting his nose do all the walking.

His nose had led him to the correct place. The kitchen.

The door was wide open, showing a sitting fluffy dog, Fran, who was staring up at her father, very confused.

Sam danced around the kitchen... no music was playing. Only the sound of sizzling bacon.

Sam adored a lovely apron. Words in red bold writing saying, asking, 'Kiss The Cook'.


And that's exactly what Ponk did.

Ponk swiftly and confidently, walked over to his rather tall husband.

Ponk hooked his fingers around the string of the apron, looping around Sam's neck.

He pulled briskly down on the material, connecting his lips with Sam's. Pushing up on his feet to get closer.

He gave a smile, feeling Sam push his lips back onto his own.


This is an old one because i'm not in the right mind frame to write :)

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