3rd January 2022

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3rd January 2022

Au- Royal

Ship- Awesamponk

Idea- Sadness… 

546 words

15:31-15:55 18:31-18:53


Mid day slowly rolled around. The sun was shining up in the sky. Bright and powerful. Half of the Royal family were out in the sun, George, the son of the two kings, was splashing around in a shallow pool of water that one of his fathers, Ponk, had set out for him.

The king in question was doing a casual amount of sunbathing. A book in hand, sunglasses propped up against his forehead. Living life mask free.

On the other side of the castle, snuggled up indoors, was Sam. Fran joined the un motivated king on his side of the bed, laying comfortably on the cool floor.

Sam was going through some utter mental health destroying phase at that very moment. It had happened over night.

Sam slipped into bed early the night before, around six pm, which was honestly too early for anyone.
Evening meal was served early due to George having an prompt bedtime schedule. The prince was tucked up in bed half an hour before his father.

The dorm was open ajar as it slowly squeaked signifying someone's entrance. Sam laying face down couldn't see who had entered. But you could definitely tell who the person was by their voice.

"You not feeling yourself today?" Ponk questioned,  Fran following, close to his side.

Sam, having no energy to talk, shook his head. Putting his face deeper into his pillow.

Ponk sighed in an understanding matter. "Alright. I'll leave you be. I love you. And I always will. I hope you know that." He reassured. Running his fingers through Sam's deep dark locks.

The non hybrid left the hybrid in peace. He walked to the door, hearing a sad grunt.
Ponk stood by the door, watching as Fran hoped up into the bed, taking Ponks half.

Ponk sighed, wanting his husband to get back to his positive happy self quick. He left the room, leaving the door open a jar,  just incase Fran wanted to escape.

'Well time for reading.' Ponk thought, with a smile plastered on his lips.


Ponk stood up from his lounge chair, "Come on Georgie." scooping his son up in his arms, against Georges protests. He couldn't really do anything against going. So he just complied.

The two made their way upstairs and into the royal sleeping quarters. Ponk absentmindedly shifted the Prince over to his other arm, wrapping his other hand into a fist and giving the solid wooden door a loud fatal knock.

A tired, muffled, grunt came from the other side of the thick door. Ponk took that as a agreement to enter the abnormally large room. Fit for a king. Two King's.

Ponk turned the handle of the door, pushing the door open. "You feeling any better?" Ponk questioned, looking over at the two lumps laying under the blanket.

Sam let out a grunt, similar to the days before. He rolled onto his back, holding his arms open.
The hybrid hurried his husband over collecting his son from his arms.
"I'm sorry about yesterday..." Sam sighed, tightly holding George safely in his arms.

Ponk shook his head. "You shouldn't apologize. It isn't your fault." He gave a reassuring smile down to Sam.

"Thank you then, I don't know what I'd do without you." Sam smiled.

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