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I woke up without my mom inside the house. Did she overworked? Right, she has promotions next week.

It's Saturday and no home class for me but have homework to do. Yesterday's class was so backbreaking.

I opened my phone to text my mom.

-Hey, mom! Good morning. I know you haven't slept last night but please rest for just an hour, it's bad for your beauty😄 don't forget to eat your meals on time. Good luck with your promotion. I love you.😚

-Haha, your mom is still pretty when she's lack of sleep. You should do the same, sweetie. Thank you and I love you too. Take care when I'm not home.


What should I eat for breakfast? It's too late to cook, it's 8:28 am. I should order KFC. You can't blame me, KFC is good as hell!

I unfolded my laptop then open the KFC app. Hmmm... I missed eating fries, let me add them to my cart list. Oooo and burger and taco.

While Gene is browsing his laptop. A ding dong from the door rang.

"Who is it this time? It's too early to visit me."

He went to the small screen attached to the wall to check who was outside.

Nubsib and Nueng?

He didn't hesitate to open the door for them and let them in.

"What are you two doing here?" he said while clicking the mouse of his laptop.

"Well, since I know where your house is. We pay you a visit and bring you food as a thank you gift for saving Nubsib last night." Nueng said and place the food at the small table located in the middle of the couches.

"I told you P'Nueng it's okay. You don't need to give me anything in return."

"Just eat it, Gene."

"But I just finished ordering KFC."

"You didn't have eaten breakfast yet?"

Nubsib sat quietly, listening to the conversation of the two.

"Aha." he shortly replied.

"But it's quarter to 9. Please eat this while you wait for your order."

"Okay, fine P'. I can't say no to an older."

"That's what I'm talking! Enjoy eating."

Gene opened the food container and starts to eat. He was surprised when he got his first bite.

"You cook this P'?"

"No, Nubsib did."

He choked after what he heard.

"Sib, get him water!" Nueng ordered him, he's busy tapping Gene's back in order to unstuck the food.

On the other hand, Nubsib panicked looking for the water.

Gosh, Gene. Why did you choke yourself?

"I--it-it's on the ref--rid-gerator." he said between his choked voice.

Nubsib can't concentrate so well when he poured the water. As he finally fills them up and ready to give it to Gene he abruptly let go of the glass, scattered from the floor.

Gene stopped from choking and left blank while Nueng ran towards Nubsib.

"Don't pick that up! I will fix this mess just go back and sit."

Before Nueng picks the glasses he gives Gene water first.

"I'm sorry about that, Gene."

"It's okay P'."

"We should head back home. Nubsib isn't in a good condition. We will visit again. Bye." He didn't wait for what Gene said and left with a rush.

"Not in a good condition? What does he mean?" He was confused.

Not a minute passed after the two left, Gene's order arrived.

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