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After I eat my dinner. I went to the cemetery to visit my father. This may sound horror to you but I love this kind of vibes.

My father died before I developed my phobia.

Flashback <7 years ago>

“Is everything settled?” Gene's dad.

“Yes, dad!” the little Gene said while holding his backpack in his hand, feeling excited.

“Okay, let's go!"

“Wait honey, I forgot something inside." His mom.

“Okay. Go inside the car, Gene.”

“What did you forget, honey?" His dad asks after his mom entered the car.

“I forgot to close all the windows and doors.”

“Okay. Let's go! Fastened your seatbelts.”

Gene's family planned to permanently stay at Prawet, Bangkok, Thailand. After 4 hours of driving, they arrived at a passenger ship to easily travel in Bangkok.

The little Gene was more excited about riding a ship for the first time.

After 2 hours of travelling, the sky unexpectedly turned dark. The ocean is on high tide. Not a minute passed, the rain poured audibly. People in the ship are panicking. Sailors are controlling the ship for the big waves but... The big waves of the ocean ate half part of the ship and people.

“Where are you going, honey?” his mom nervously said.

“I will save people and call for help. I will be back soon.”

“No, stay here with us.” his mom stopped his dad from going.

“We can't escape in the middle of the ocean if I do nothing. Stay here until I come back.”

Gene's dad left the area where his wife and son stayed.

2 hours have been passed after the disaster happened, the waves were calm. Marines arrived to save people who are still alive.

“Hello, ma'am. I am from the marine team, I'm here to help you.” the man reached his hand.

“We are waiting for someone.”

“We will find him or her later ma'am, please come with us."

Gene's mom was not hesitant to grab the Mariner's hand.

What was left with them was the luggage and backpack. Luckily they have that.

After they arrived at the land.

“What is the name of the person you waited, ma'am?” The marine who helped them asked.

Teep Chaiat.”

“Sir Chaiat?”

“Yes, why? You know him?”

“Yes, ma'am. He helped me to be in the marines. He called me to save you when the ship you riding was sinking. I help you to find him, ma'am. I will be back and give you an update about him."

“Thank you so much! What's your name?”

“I'm Nueng.” He bowed and left.

“Mom? Is dad coming back?” Gene said with his cracked voice.

“Yes, of course, sweetie.” Her mom said while rubbing Gene's cheeks. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes, a bit.”

“What do you want to eat?”


“Okay, stay here. I will buy you doughnuts.”

Gene played his little dragon doll.

“Hi, there!” Nueng greeted. “Where is your mom?”

“She bought doughnuts.”

“Okay. I will be back when she comes back.”


“Here's your donughts, Gene.”

“Mom, why are you crying?” Gene said while chewing his doughnuts.

“Nothing. Let's go.”

“Where? But dad isn't here yet. We will wait for him he said.”

“To your dad."

“To dad? He is alive?”

Before his mom cried...

“Hi, Mrs. Chaiat.”

“Oh, hi Nueng. Do you have an update about my husband?”

“Yes, we found his body, dead."


“I'm sorry ma'am."

“Where is his body?”

“Follow me, ma'am.”

“I will get my son first.”

[This is a long flashback it will be continued in the next chapter.]

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