Chapter #6

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8:00 a.m.

The sound of screaming kids filtered through the once quiet pizzeria as the morning shift employees opened the glass front doors for the awaiting crowd. It was the start of the weekend, which meant that the pizzeria was extra full with children of all ages.

Most of the younger kids made their way to the stage to watch the morning show, while the older kids made their way to the arcade to get a headstart on winning tickets to earn prizes.

The animatronics were all in position, entertaining the children with songs and stories, while others handed out items such as prizes and balloons, or were torn apart.

Smiling softly, (Y/n) closed her eye, the sounds of the children were faint through the thick walls of Parts and Services, but loud enough for her to imagine what they were doing.

It reminded her of before the accident.

Did her old friends still remember her? If so... did they miss her?

Heading a soft creak, (Y/n) partially opened her eye, her gaze shifting over to the door as a male in a faded green flannel shirt and dark grey dress pants entered the room, his dull green-grey gaze fixed on the bloodied Freddy suit on the opposite end of the room.

Thinking quickly, (Y/n) put herself into power mode, her form slumping over and (E/c) eye dimming as the man let out a soft sigh.

Reaching out, he flipped on a nearby light switch, allowing a dull white light to engulf the room, revealing the bloodstained Freddy suit, and the large pool of dried blood.

Humming softly, the man stepped aside to allow four men in white hazmat suits to enter the room with a black body bag and buckets of cleaning supplies and materials.

The first two men went over to the suit, placing the body bag near the suit and zipping it open, ready for the body, while the other two men carefully unwound the spring locks in the spare suit, and pulled the plates open, revealing the mangled, rotting corpse of the night guard.

The remains of his once blue uniform was stained crimson from all the blood, and his flesh had been torn by the hooks and crossbeams, revealing his organs and shattered bones.

The head was the worst part though.

The skull had been crushed like a grape, leaving him unrecognizable. His eyes hung from his eye sockets by the ocular nerves, a hint of fear and agony still present on his twisted and mangled face.

"You know the drill. Clean the mess and get rid of the body. I'll find a replacement."

"Yes sir."

Turning on his heel to leave the room, the man's green-grey eyes landed on (Y/n)'s slumped over form, a hint of curiosity flashing across his face.

Pausing, he turned and made his way towards the ballerina, crouching down before her and inspecting the damage and minor repairs done to her face, abdomen and arm.

(Y/n) took note of the name badge on his shirt before her world was consumed by darkness as the man shut her down.

He stood up and pulled out his phone, dialing one of the numbers in his contact list as he made his way out the room.

Shattered (FNAF X Animatronic! Reader) (Remake)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon