Chapter #1

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10 years later...

Where am I?

The barely audible noise of grinding gears and creaking joints disturbed the silence as (Y/n) powered on, her left eye lighting up and revealing her (E/c) iris.

She moved her eye to look around the dark room, taking note of the many dark shiloutte's that cluttered the shelves and a red blinking light in the far end of the corner, near what she assumed was a door.

Twitching her fingers, (Y/n) carefully began to lift herself off the dust coated floor, pain instantly shooting through her damaged and destroyed body. Placing her hand against the wall to steady herself, she took in a few deep encouraging breathes and slowly made her way towards the door, watching the camera and making sure to stop whenever the blinking stopped and the the light went green.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally made it to the door and hovered her hand over the handle, straining her ears to listen for any footsteps.

Hearing none, she turned the silver handle and pushed open the door just enough to peek into the hallway. The floor had a black and white checkered pattern while the walls were a dull grey and littered with kids crayon drawings.

To her left she could make out a seating area and to her right a long hallway with a turn, where a dim glow was coming from.

Walking forward slightly, (Y/n) pressed herself up against the door and waited. Everything was quiet... too quiet-

That is... until she heard it.

The scream.

It was a scream of fear and pain, followed by screeching metal and robotic laughs. More desperate yelling followed soon after as footsteps could be heard heading down the hallway.

Backing away from the door, (Y/n) glanced around the dark space, looking for a place to hide when she spotted it. A gap between two shelves near where she stood.

She quickly limped over to the gap and settled herself between the shelves and dimming her eye to prevent drawing the attention of whoever, or whatever, was headed this way.

The screaming and footsteps got louder and louder until finally the door was slowly pushed open, the faint light landing on a blood covered bear suit. The once brown suit had a more crimson tint to it, along with patches of black where the blood had restained the fur multiple times.

Holding her breathe (Y/n) watched as four colourful looking characters entered the room, the first two being a male and female.

The male had neatly combed back brown hair with two ears poking out of the strands and a black tophat placed between them. He wore a neat brown suit, consisting of a white shirt with a brown waistcoat and black bowtie, black dress pants and black shoes. His eyes a shade of blue

The female had shoulder length messy blonde hair and wore a waiter uniform consisting of a yellow shirt, a black skirt, orange leggings and black flats. her eyes were a shade of violet.

Focusing back onto the other three figures, (Y/n) noticed that the screaming male was the nightguard. He was pleading for his life and trying to get the four figures to let him go, but they just ignored him and dragged him towards the suit.

The brunette grabbed the neck area of the suit and pulled it open to reveal the hollow insides. "Stop screamin'. No one can hear ya and no one is gonna come and rescue ya either"

The second male had long messy red hair tied back into a low ponytail with two fox ears poking out between the strands. he wore a pirate attire consisting out of the torn white shirt, the black piarte pants, a purple pirate sash with white stars and a pair of brown boots. His right hand was replaced by a hook and his right eye had an epatch covering it, only allowing one golden iris to be visable.

The third male had messy purple hair and two bunny ears. He wore a similar attire to the bear, just themed purple and his shoes and bowtie were red. he also didn't have a hat and a chain was hooked on his pants. He had magenta eyes.

"Please don't kill me!"

"Aww. He said please", the fox laughed and mocked the man, looking over at the purplette who just rolled his eyes and muttered, "Let's just get this over with already so we can have the rest of the night to ourselves"

"Fine. Party pooper"

Dragging the man closer to the suit, (Y/n) watched in horror as they pinned him down. The blonde giggled and helped the brunette close the individual compartments, screams of agony following suite along with the sounds of crunching bones and tearing meat.

A pool of red blood began to form around the bear suit and the screams of the male faded into raspy whispers. "Last piece."

"Let th' captain do it."

The red head handed a Freddy head over to the brunette and the quartet watched as he walked over to the stuffed suit, bent down, and placed the head over the nightguard's.

A loud crunch filled the room as more blood oozed out of the suit. Once (Y/n) got a clear view of the suit once more she couldn't help but feel sick.  The nightguards eyes had popped out of the mask.

She couldn't move her gaze away from the gorey sight. It was both disgusting and fascinating.

Hearing a voice near her, (Y/n) jumped and fell forwards, clutching her missing (left/right) arm protectively, "Hello beautiful"

Looking up she locked eyes with a male who looked almost identical to the brunette, just with a golden theme. His eyes were also deep pools of black with white pupils.

The golden male crouched down in front of (Y/n) and placed his gloved hand under her chin to examine her damaged face, "Hm... Well well. What have we here? A stowaway?"

"Gold. Let her go, can't you see she's scared and broken?", 'Gold' looked over at the lilac male, his white pupils locking with his magenta ones before moving back onto (Y/n) and examining the full extent of her damage with disinterest.

(Y/n) looked around the room at everyone, her ears ringing and head spinning. She felt overwhelmed and scared. She could see the golden male arguing with the brunette as the red head and lilac haired male stepped in to seperate them.

A light touch on her arm knocked her out of her disorientation state. The blonde was next to her, a kind look on her face and in her eyes, "Come on. Let's get you out of here and to Mari. She can help."

Nodding lightly, (Y/n) accepted the blonde's help and followed her out of the dark room and into the pizzeria towards a room that held a counter filled with prizes on the left, but on the right sat a large gift box, "Mari? You in here?"

"Yup. Come on in", a female walked around the corner holding a box of spare parts. She wore a white blouse with open shoulders and a ribbon bow around her collar. The blouse was tucked into a black skirt with a purple rim over a pair of black leggings and black boots.

Her long black and white hair was tied back into a loose bun and half her face was hidden with a broken mask. Like Gold she had black eyes with a white pupil, "Oh. What do we have here?"

"Can you and Puppet fix her?"

"Of course we can. Let's get to work."

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