12. losing senses

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I procrastinated 🥲
And then lost my phone for a while :)
Sorru for the late update

"I could go straight to the source," Off smiled as he read through the document.

"Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat
Age: 28
Type: Beta" Off read out, before he scrolled a bit more,

"Residential address, bingo" Off smirked before getting into his car and driving off.


"What do you mean you handled it? How?" New exclaimed as he looked up while the older sighed.

"Yes I did, it as honestly easy since Gun's pheromones aren't apparent for any other alpha or Omega" Tay said placing a plate full of speghetti infront of New before placing one infront of him.

"That uh true but then how did phi Off smell it? And that too get so affected by it?" New asked slurping on a noodle. While Tay nodded,

"He's a dominant alpha New his sense are a lot more heightened than the rest so" Tay Shrugged picking up the napkins beside him and handing a few over to New who simply accepted them,

"Oh thanks" New said wiping away his face,

"But I say why don't we just tell him about Gun I mean with what I know about him I thought his reaction would be a lot different but he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy" New Shrugged and Tay Hummed.

"I thought about that too... But I don't want to risk it New. Off's reaction and behaviour may change plus he's only in that department for another few months I think it's best to not have them interact so much~" Tay said and New nodded along.

"Whatever you decide"



"Arghh who's there?" Gun groaned as he barely lifted his head up,

His sudden Heat had gotten him beat his head was a mess and his body temperature was through the roof.

He felt like he was going to pass out he had taken his sent suppressants just in case because he didn't want rogue Alpha's lurking around his apartment but he decided not to take suppressants for his heat since Tay had already gotten a few days off for him so it was easy for him.

Gun plopped his head back down, hoping and praying that the person at the door would just disappear,

*Knock knock knock*

"Arghhh what the hell go away already" Gun groaned as his headache only grew because of the knocks,

He got all the strength in his body to lift himself up and getting off the bed,

Slightly whimpering as he took his steps towards the door his head feeling rather fuzzy,


"Coming you dick head hold on!" Gun shouted with all his remaining strength before finally opening the door,

"What?" He quipped not even looking up, his eyes dropping down,

"Damn you really are sick huh?"

"Wha~ phi Off?" Gun's eyes widened when he looked up, his feet moving back into his apartment.

One of his legs got caught behind the other making him stumble back,

Off's eyes widened seeing the falling man, he quickly took a step forward wrapping his arms around Gun's petite waist pulling him up making sure he doesn't fall,

"Your burning up Gun" Off said feeling the heat radiating through Gun's flimsy thing tshirt while Gun gulped, as he looked towards Off stumped as to how he should react or respond to the man,

"Phi" Gun called out as he gulped, his entire life flashing before his eyes,

Off was about to step back and put gun back on his two feet when a certain faint smell hit is nose making him lean further down,

"Phi!" Gun exclaimed shocked pushing Off away from him and taking a step back, his hand covering up his neck.

While Off smirked as he took a step forward towards Gun while Gun took a step back his his eyes.on the floor,

"I was wondering what Tay was so protective of a Beta , clearly you're a beta right"

"Right Nong Gun, you're the most Beta as they~"

Gun suddenly looked up making Off shocked,

"Gun why~"

"Will I be fired? Please phi I really need this I don't even go into heat that ofter I~ I can't have phi Tay worry he's already done so much I can't even go ba~" gun cried as he fell onto his knees crying his eyes out making Off stumped.

"I'm sorry I~ I didn't mean to lie~"

"Oh fuck nong gun okay stop please don't cry I don't know what to do with someone who's crying, nong Gun please" Off Mumbled as he kneeled down I front of Gun trying to comfort the crying man,

"I just wanted to know if you really were an Omega" Off said making gun look up, his eyes red making Off's heart sink,

The two held eachother's gaze for a while, before Off's Alpha instincts suddenly kicked in his mouth suddenly salvaged when Gun's pheromones got stronger,

His suppressants are wearing off, I need to leaves off thought to himself as he gulped, his mind losing control over his senses.

Off quickly looked away making sure Gun didn't notice

"I~I am" Gun muttered, looking up through his hooded eyes,

"Oh uhm okay that should be sufficient I should head out, you uh... Take rest and I'll see you in a few days!" Off said as he gulped getting off the floor and rushing towards the door,

His hands were on the door handle, when he suddenly stopped,

"Phi~" Gun called out as he pulled back on Off's jacket making Off gulp.

"Nong Gun~" Off called out trying to pry off Gun's hand but failing,

He looked back only to see Gun Looking up at him with hooded eyes making him gulp, all his senses going into an overload.

All the control he was trying to have slowly getting lost,

"Was that all that you came for?" Gun asked slowly making Off Gulp,

"You don't want to do this Gun" Off said finally letting go of all his control,

His pheromones completely engulfing Gun making Gun hyperventilate at the situation,

Gun pried Off's hand off the Handle, before closing the door shut and locking it in the process.


The tease continues because I didn't fee like writing smut

He's Sweeterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن