1. Meet the Omega.

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So this story is going to be in third person perspective, unless specifically told otherwise.
I'm not sure of this but I'm going to try and updated weekly on Wednesdays.
But then again I don't make any promises
I will atleast try every other week, if not every week.

"How many times have I told you not to come in , in the mornings" a man exclaimed as he walked into his Café immediately catching a petite boy cleaning up the Café.

The smaller looked over sticking his tongue out mockingly before returning back to what he was doing.

"Nong Gun I swear to god, I gave you a key for emergencies not to for you to physically overwork yourself" the man said walking further into the café putting his things away,

"Ooi Phi Tay! Stop it you know I love doing this whenever I have time" Gun replied walking towards the taller with a mop in hand flashing a big smile.

"But Gun you're going to work after this, this is not healthy... Tell me honestly why are you here?" Tay asked making Gun shrug.

"I don't know what you're on about"

"You couldn't sleep could you?" Tay asked making Gun walk away and continue what he was previously doing.

"So I'm right, what was it this time?"

"Phi... Drop it" Gun said making Tay sigh and shake his head.

"Drop the mop and come sit I'll make you something to eat for breakfast" Tay said and Gun immediately complied.

Dropping the Mop exactly where he was and rushing to sit on one of the counter chairs swinging his legs around.

"Damn it Gun I didn't mean literally drop it" Tay laughed as he wore his apron.

"Breakfast first! What are you making me" Gun replied excited, if there's anything that can take the small guy's mind off of anything it's Tay's cooking.

Tay leaned over ruffling up Gun's hair making Gun pout,

"Hey watch it, don't mess up my bangs!" Gun said Huffing.

"Sorry little guy, now do you wanna talk about what's bothering you while I make your breakfast?" Tay asked as he whisked up two eggs.

"Not really" Gun shrugged.

"Alright that's Also fine, but you know I'm here for you right?"Tay said and Gun smiled.

He put a couple of pieces of Bacon onto a pan making a sizzling noise ,

"Ofcourse phi... It's just the same old story when has it ever changed ?" Gun sighed.

"Do you want to go back to therapy? Dr Lin Said to drop by whenever you want to" Tay said and Gun shook his head.

"No need phi, I'll just go back on some sleeping pills for a few weeks it'll be fine" Gun said trying his best to smile.

"Gun!" Tay exclaimed slightly banging the bowl he had in his hands on the table.

"Phi, let it be please, I'm okay I promise when I feel like I cannot hold it back I promise I'll go visit Dr Lin till then please drop it" Gun said pleadingly making Tay give out a defeated sigh.

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