Chapter 7: Battles

Start from the beginning

"Since there's six of you, it'll be one versus one," Rogue explained.

Calypso raised her left hand in front of her face.

"Yes, Calypso?" Master asked.

"Is a tie possible? Either way, what happens to the winners?" she inquired.

The Master and Assistant looked at each other.

"Just a minute," the former stated.

Rogue spun the wheel.

The results were:

Eleodoro vs Carmine

Calypso vs Diamond

Amethyst vs Emerald

Carmine slammed his fists into each other.

"Eucliffe," he growled.

Diamond tapped his chin and looked at his opponent. She remained facing forward. A small vein popped up on his forehead.

Amethyst and Emerald high-fived each other.

"Not the Twins!" they exclaimed.

"Okay, now that the teams are assigned here is what will happen," Sting said, "The goal is to win. There are no ties. M'lady, The Gatekeeper, and Seraphim will be watching to declare a winner if stalemate does occur. If you win, your next task will be to find Rogue and I."

"Wait, what?!" Carmine yelled.

"Yes. Sting and I are going to hide while you carry out your matches. We will not go out as far as say Blue Pegasus or Magnolia. However, we will also not stay in town. You may use any means necessary except for magical maps."

He stared at the Heavenly Twins.

Eli sighed as his shoulders slumped forward.

Cal bobbed her head.

"Well this is certainly interesting," Emerald remarked.

She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Where are we actually fighting?" Eli prompted.

Suddenly, they were all enwrapped in a rainbow light!

A few moments later, they were in an enormous forest clearing! That was filled with snow, obviously.

The three women were standing in front. Hovering above were Frosch and Lector.

"Lector! Good to see you!" Sting cried, looking up.

"Hey Sting-kun! Hopefully we made it time," the maroon Exceed responded.

"Fro thinks so, too!" the frog-Exceed yelled happily.

The master shifted his gaze to the Celestial Spirit mage.

"And Yukino! I'm glad to see you're back safely! And in time!" he exclaimed.

Yukino smiled.

The middle-aged woman wore her normal white, knee-length cape with light blue trimming over her usual white ¾-sleeved shirt and gray wool leggings tucked into knee-high, light blue boots. Her pale blue hair bob was neatly combed and held back by a royal blue headband with one white and one navy blue flower.

"Oh it wasn't that hard. All I had to do was ask Libra to balance things out," she said.

"That's definitely my little sister for ya!!" Sorano hollered.

"Very well. Let's start our game of battle-hide-and-seek," Minerva said.

Rogue didn't even glance at her.

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