*Bonus Chapter-Aria's POV*

Start from the beginning

He didn't like powerful women.

"We have proof of Kaia's foul play," my father said sternly, a venomous look in his eyes. He had worn clean clothes today just to make the judge think he was put together.

My grandfather scoffed, rolling his eyes. His dark hair was getting more tousled by the moment since he kept running his hands through it. Normally, grandpa Adrian was very put-together and calm. A perfect balance to grandma Kaia who was like a raging fire, reading to explode at any given moment. But now, he was a mess.

"Show me," the judge said, gesturing for any kind of proof that would destroy my grandmother.

I tensed, feeling the skin on my back burn in response. I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain. I couldn't do much of anything at all. When Erin saw it, she might as well as had a heart attack on the spot. She started bawling her eyes out on the spot and only cried more when I asked her if she could patch it up and disinfect it because I couldn't reach and my parents didn't bother doing it for me.

I remember screaming my throat raw that night. I couldn't speak or move after it was over.

It was like I was paralyzed.

It was only two weeks ago.

I hadn't told anyone. I was too scared to even speak or move after.

My parents had never hurt me like that before. They had never done anything so cruel. Now, I know what they were truly capable of.

Tears started building up in my eyes. I was done for. My happy ending was destroyed. I would never escape them now. I have nowhere to run. I was already dead.

My mom got out the photograph. The photograph she had gone to the pharmacy to print. The photograph she had taken in my sleep. The one of my bloody back with those vile words branded into my skin. She didn't smile but I could tell she was trying so hard to keep it suppressed.

She walked toward the podium, handing over the photograph.

The judge looked horrified, absolutely disgusted at what he saw. Then his eyes lifted to me, and I knew that by the look of my tears that I had singlehandedly ruined any chance of happiness I had left.

He looked at my tears then he looked at me slowly as I shook my head meekly, no words coming out as I tried to say that it was my own parents who did that to me. But I couldn't.

I couldn't talk. I couldn't even breathe.

He wouldn't believe me anyway. "Momento Mori" were the words that the Scandinavian Mob lived by. It was their motto. So all signs pointed to my grandparents.

"What?" My grandmother snapped, glaring and scowling at the judge then at the photograph in his hand. Away from the judge's eyes, my mother smirked at my grandmother, knowing that she had won.

It was over.

My life was over.

The next few moments were a blur. It was like my mind chose to ignore what was going on in front of me to save me the pain.

"Liar! She's fucking lying! I would never-" I heard my grandmother scream as police officers came into the room to hold her back as she lunged toward my parents.

Her voice broke at the end of her sentence as tears started running down her face as she looked at me with a broken gaze that had my lip quivering. Her gaze drifted to my back that was covered with my shirt and I couldn't do anything but watch as her knees gave out from under her and her body started to shake with sobs.

"What did you do?! What did you do to her-" grandma Kaia screamed at my parents, eyes red with tears. Grandpa Adrian's eyes were blurred with tears as his jaw was clenched tight. He made a move to run towards me -as if he could make it in time to protect me from his own daughter- but it took five police officers to hold him back and take him to the ground.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Someone help me.

My head felt heavy. Like I was suddenly aware of its weight. Black spots came in my vision and my head felt heavier. Dizzy. I was dizzy. My vision began to reduce to only a pinhole of light. My ears began to drum and pulse as voices around me began to echo and drag on. I could feel my shallow breath in my throat, coming out colder and heavier. It felt as if my lungs were caving in on me.

I can't breathe.

"I give full custody to Vera and Hugo Karlsson. Adrian and Kaia King aren't allowed within six hundred meters of Aria, Elias, Felix, and Milo King. Court adjourned."

All I heard next was the bang of the gable.

And that was when I knew my life had ended.

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